Several federal states want to allow hotel stays at Christmas


In fact, the federal and state governments decided at the Corona summit that tourist travel would continue to be prohibited. However, five countries want to create exceptions for holidays.

According to the federal-state agreement on measures to combat the pandemic applicable as of December 1, there are disagreements regarding overnight stays in hotels during the Christmas season. North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Hesse and Berlin announced that they would allow hotel stays during the festive period as part of family visits, contrary to a recommendation from the Chancellery. Consultations were still ongoing in other federal states.

Argument: non-tourist overnight stays

All five countries argue that hotel stays of relatives around Christmas are non-tourist stays, as they are also allowed during partial closure until December 20. On the other hand, Chancellor Helge Braun (CDU) had already rejected overnight stays in hotels during Christmas Thursday.

Government spokesman Steffen Seibert also stressed on Friday: “It is not part of the decision of the federal and state governments to make this type of overnight stay possible.” Citizens were asked to avoid tourist trips. “Since family-related travel is difficult to differentiate from tourist travel, the federal and state governments have not agreed to include such an exception in the decision on hotel use.”

Altmaier: the approach is “justifiable”

However, contrary to this line, the Federal Minister of the Economy, Peter Altmaier (CDU), also considers hotel stays justifiable for Christmas visits. If Christmas meetings are allowed to take place in a limited setting, it is also “justifiable” that “hotel accommodation capabilities” are available, Altmaier said in a video link on Corona’s financial aid.

The federal and state governments decided Wednesday night that the partial closure, including the closure of restaurants, theaters and entertainment facilities, would run through December 20. Private gatherings with friends, relatives, and acquaintances should be limited to a maximum of five people from your own household and another household. Christmas should be able to be celebrated, however, in the closest family and friends with a maximum of ten people. Children up to 14 years are not included.

Berlin goes its own way

The state of Berlin had already announced on Thursday that it wanted to deviate from the agreed role between the federal government and the states not only in terms of hotel accommodation, but also with a view to contact restrictions. Contrary to what has been agreed, contacts will be limited to a maximum of five people, including children up to twelve years of age.

The agreed federal-state document does not provide a specific regulation for the opening of hotels and restaurants from Christmas to New Year. However, the federal and state governments assume that the agreed restrictions should be extended until early January. In December, both parties want to discuss how to proceed again.

One million people infected with corona in Germany

Meanwhile, the number of corona infections detected so far in Germany has passed the million mark. Health authorities reported 22,806 new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) within 24 hours (through November 27 at 12 a.m.). This increased the number of reported cases since the start of the pandemic to 1,006,394, the RKI announced on Friday.

In Passau, Bavaria, there are strict departure restrictions for one week starting on Saturday. There you are only allowed to leave the apartment for a valid reason, for example to go to work, to the doctor or to go shopping. The corona incidence value had reached almost 440 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days. The national target above which contact tracing is considered to be at risk is 50 new infections per 100,000 population.
