Senate Majority Lost: Trump Survives Impeachment Process


Status: 02/13/2021 10:03 pm

The United States Senate acquitted former President Donald Trump in the impeachment process. Although seven Republican senators had voted in favor of the impeachment, the necessary majority for it was not achieved.

Former US President Donald Trump was acquitted in the impeachment process. A majority of 57 to 43 senators in the Senate voted for a guilty verdict. The two-thirds majority of 67 votes required for a conviction was clearly omitted.

Trump was charged with inciting the unrest because he denied his electoral defeat in a speech on January 6 and asked his supporters to march to Congress, where the election result would be confirmed. An angry crowd entered the building and rioted. The meeting had to be interrupted and five people died.

Democrats started proceedings

Democrats had launched impeachment proceedings over Trump’s role in the assault. They also wanted to make sure that the president, who has since stepped down, is barred from future political office at the federal level. This would have made it impossible for Trump to run again for president in the 2024 election.

The defense argued that the trial was unconstitutional because Trump’s term ended on January 20. In addition, Trump moved within the usual political choice of words when he called on his followers to fight like the devil, because otherwise they would no longer have a country. However, the reasoning blurred the difference between the general stimulus to fight for a cause and Trump’s call to fight against officially recognized election results.

Trump: just started

Trump welcomed his acquittal from impeachment. His political movement had only just begun, he said in an initial response. He thanked his lawyers for “defending justice and defending the truth.” Trump declared himself a victim of the “greatest witch hunt in the history of our country.” Democrats tried to undermine the rule of law.
