Senate Approval: US Crown Aid Has Another Obstacle


Status: March 6, 2021 8:36 pm

The US Senate voted with a very small majority for President Biden’s billion dollar Corona aid package. Before that, there were a number of changes that the House of Representatives has yet to pass.

After the United States House of Representatives, the Senate also approved an additional aid bill from the crown with a volume of 1.9 trillion dollars (1.59 trillion euros). Due to changes to the original bill, the House of Representatives will have to review the draft before President Joe Biden can sign it.

Since their Democrats only have a small majority in the Senate (the vote was 50-49), Republicans were able to push compromises in the House of Congress. So far it’s unclear whether the Democratic-dominated House of Representatives will accept them. Biden himself finally signaled his approval. Another vote on the amended draft is expected next week.

Majority Leader Schumer was elated after the vote.

Bild: AP

“It’s been a long day, a long night, a long year, but a new day has begun and it will tell the American people that help is on the way,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said earlier. of the final vote. The package will “help more people” more than anything the US federal governments have done in decades.

A total of six billion dollars in aid.

If the package for this volume is approved, total federal crown aid to the United States would total about six trillion dollars (five trillion euros) in one year. The scope of the package of measures corresponds to almost ten percent of the economic output of the United States.

Biden wants to use the package to stimulate the economy and create millions of new jobs. Among other things, it provides direct payments for most taxpayers of $ 1,400. In addition, there should be financial support for coronavirus tests, the vaccination campaign, school openings, and additional support for the unemployed. Republicans described the package as a lavish expense for Liberal Democratic allies who ignore recent signs of recovery.

Time is of the essence

Biden expects the law to go into effect with his signature before mid-March. Otherwise, extended and increased unemployment benefits for millions of Americans would expire on March 14. Unemployment benefits, which are often very low in the United States, will now increase by $ 300 per week through September. There was still a dispute on this point until the end. Biden was aiming for $ 400 a week. A Democrat, Joe Manchin, blocked that.
