Seibert on the Corona situation: “Every day counts”


In view of the “dire” situation for the crown in the country, government spokesman Seibert hopes to toughen the Bund-Länder Round measures on Wednesday. The Robert Koch Institute reported 8,685 new infections.

The time has come next Wednesday: Chancellor Angela Merkel consults once again with the prime ministers of the federal states on the fight against the corona pandemic. Government spokesman Steffen Seibert said the measures would be toughened. In view of the dramatically increasing number of new infections, everyone should be aware that every day counts. “So I also look forward to resolutions.”

Looking ahead to the upcoming deliberations, Seibert declined to say what additional steps appear to be currently sensible for the Chancellor. Seibert said the increase in acute corona cases “is leading to a situation that is serious in many ways.” The proportion of infected older people is increasing again and it is no longer possible to track contacts in many municipalities.

The Corona cabinet analyzes the vaccination strategy

The so-called Crown Cabinet met in the morning. According to Seibert, the round also addressed the vaccination strategy by the time a coronavirus vaccine becomes available. According to a spokeswoman for the Federal Ministry of Health, risk groups should first receive a possible vaccine. A concept for this is currently being developed.

“Five minutes to twelve”

Meanwhile, there is mounting pressure on politicians to decide on further steps. In view of the rapid increase in the number of infections, we must try “finally to convince the population that it is five minutes to twelve”, said the president of the World Medical Association, Frank Ulrich Montgomery, of the RTL and n-tv channels . Politicians have not yet managed to “convey the seriousness of the situation” to the population.

Montgomery criticized the disagreement between the states. Green leader Robert Habeck argues similarly: Faced with the situation, there must be clear and uniform national agreements, “which are then implemented in the federal states and municipalities.”

Economist Fratzscher puts into play the temporary lockdown

A temporary shutdown is also being considered: Economist Marcel Fratzscher thinks a two-week shutdown of the economy makes sense. The director of the German Institute for Economic Research said that im SWR: “From an economic perspective, a short and sharp lockdown would probably be the best option.” This is at least better than more weeks or months of uncertainty.

The longer this uncertainty persists, the greater the damage. “From an economic perspective, it would be good to say: two or three weeks without sales, and then things can start again and then it can go back to normal relatively quickly.”

RKI registers 8,685 new cases

According to the Robert Koch Institute, 8,685 new cases of coronavirus infection were reported in one day in this country. The number fell below the 10,000 threshold for the first time in four days. However, experience has shown that the number of cases is comparatively lower on Sundays and Mondays, also because fewer tests are performed on weekends.

However, as of Monday a week ago, the number of new infections in 24 hours was still 4,325. 14,714 new infections were reached on Saturday, a new record since the start of the corona pandemic in Germany.

According to the RKI, a total of 437,866 people across Germany have been infected with the virus since the pandemic began. The number of new infections in Germany has been well above previous spring highs for days. However, the numbers are difficult to compare, as far more tests for the new virus are now being tested than back then.

The number of virus-related deaths in Germany has now risen to 10,056, according to the RKI. That’s 24 more deaths than the day before. The RKI estimates that around 321,600 people have recovered.

The Tagesschau reported on this issue on October 26, 2020 at 4:00 pm
