Seehofer zu Moria: Admission of up to 150 minors


The fact is that Germany will initially only accept unaccompanied minors from the Moria refugee camp that has burned down. According to the Minister of the Interior, Seehofer, it could be up to 150. In addition, help must be provided on site.

Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer has announced that Germany will host between 100 and 150 unaccompanied minor refugees from the burning camp of Moria on the Greek island of Lesbos. A total of ten EU states have agreed to participate in the campaign. We are talking to others, the CSU politician said at a press conference with EU Migration Commissioner Margaritis Schinas. This is to support Greece, which had already transported some 400 unaccompanied minors from the countryside to the mainland. France is willing to accept a similar number of minors as Germany, so Seehofer.

Help on site

But the most important thing is local help. The people of the Moria camp have to be cared for and need accommodation. Germany has promised the support of the Greek government. This sent a list of requirements. German aid organizations are now examining what they could contribute.

New momentum for reform of EU asylum policy?

Furthermore, according to Seehofer, the federal government wants to start tackling the most pressing issues for a common EU asylum policy next week as part of the German Presidency of the EU Council. It is urgent to find a quick solution for families, not only for those who have found accommodation in Greece, but also for those in Malta, for example.

The EU Commission is scheduled to present proposals for a reform of EU migration policy on September 30, as announced by EU Commissioner Schinas. “Time’s up,” he said. Now is the right time to tackle problems that have been around for years.

The pressure on Seehofer increased

Previously, pressure on Interior Minister Seehofer had increased to allow more Moria immigrants to enter the country. In a letter addressed to him and Chancellor Angela Merkel, ten cities recently volunteered to host refugees from the camp.

Franco-German Initiative

Last night, Merkel announced that Germany and France had launched an initiative in the EU to remove unaccompanied minors from the destroyed camp. Around 13,000 people lived there and are now homeless.
