Second wave? Such is the situation of the crown in Germany


The situation in clinics and intensive care units is relaxed when it comes to corona. At the same time, the number of infections increases. The situation in other EU countries is even more serious. Border controls are not foreseen for the moment.

The number of new corona infections reported in Germany has peaked for almost five months. The Robert Koch Institute reported 2,297 new cases Saturday morning, which were sent to authorities within 24 hours. As expected, the value was lower on Sunday with 1,345 new infections, also because not all health authorities report data on the weekend. In its situation report on Sunday, the RKI speaks of a “further increase in broadcasts in the population.”

Furthermore, the RKI writes: “The number of deaths among reported Covid-19 cases is currently low.” This is mainly due to the fact that an infection was recently detected in a relatively large number of youngsters. Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) wrote on Twitter on Saturday: “Currently, our health system can handle the situation well, but the dynamics across Europe are concerned.”

Critical situation in neighboring countries

However, according to the RKI, the proportion of infected people in the older population is increasing slightly today. If this trend continues, hopefully more people will come to the hospital again and die too. Older people are considered to be more susceptible to a severe course of Covid-19.

Health Minister Spahn advised against traveling to risk areas in the “Rheinische Post”. “In our direct neighboring countries, the number of infections is sometimes eight times higher than in Germany. That should give every traveler something to think about.”

Spain and France, among others, currently have an aggravated corona situation. French health authorities reported a new record of 13,498 new infections in the 24 hours of Saturday night.

However, the federal government is not planning entry restrictions and border controls as in the spring. “We are trying to prevent the reintroduction of border controls by taking appropriate measures,” a spokesman for the Federal Interior Ministry said on Saturday.

The situation in the hospitals remains relaxed

The situation in intensive care units in Germany is still quite relaxed, as can be seen from the so-called DIVI intensive care registry, which records capacities in almost 1,300 hospitals. Around 250 Covid patients are being treated in intensive care, while nearly 9,000 beds are free. According to a report by the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung”, hospitals keep far fewer free beds for corona patients in their intensive care units than a few weeks and months ago. Consequently, several federal states have reduced the quotas for reserved beds.

Düsseldorf: Participants in a demonstration protest with posters in the Rhine meadows against measures to combat the corona virus.  (Source: dpa)Düsseldorf: Participants in a protest demonstration with posters in the Rhine meadows against measures to combat the corona virus. (Source: dpa)

The president of the German Medical Association, Klaus Reinhardt, also believes this to be correct: “Despite the slight increase in the number of infections, there was no significant burden on intensive care units,” Reinhardt told the newspaper. A minimum fee is required. However, clinics would have enough time and experience to increase their capabilities if there were more patients with serious illnesses, according to Reinhardt.

According to the RKI, the R value is slightly above 1. This means that an infected person infects slightly more than another person on average. The R value represents the infection rate approximately one and a half weeks earlier.

Worry in Bavaria

In Munich, where there are currently replacement celebrations for the canceled Oktoberfest, the number of infections increased more and more significantly above the limit of 50 new infections per week and 100,000 residents. On Sunday, the State Office of Health and Food Safety reported a value of 55.6 for the so-called 7-day incidence.

According to RKI figures, at least 271,415 people in Germany have been shown to have been infected with the Sars-CoV-2 virus since the beginning of the Corona crisis (data as of September 20 at 12am). According to the RKI, the number of deaths related to a corona infection is 9,386, two more deaths than the previous day. According to RKI estimates, around 240,700 people had survived the infection by Sunday morning.
