Scott Atlas is considered controversial: Trump’s crown adviser resigns – foreign policy


It is considered particularly controversial. Now the health adviser to the president of the United States, Donald Trump, has resigned.

Scott Atlas, who has been a member of the White House crown crisis team since August, announced his resignation on Monday. The 65-year-old neuroradiologist was repeatedly criticized, among other things because he questioned the effectiveness of masks in containing the coronavirus.

Atlas posted his resignation letter dated December 1 on the online service Twitter.

The Fox News television station and other US media had previously quoted him. Atlas explained in the letter that, as a member of Corona’s crisis team, he had worked hard toward a single goal: “saving lives and helping Americans overcome this pandemic.” In doing so, he always relied on the latest scientific evidence and findings “without political considerations or influence.”

Trump had appointed Atlas to the crisis team despite the fact that the doctor had no relevant experience or qualifications in the field of public health care or infectious diseases. Since then, Atlas has repeatedly made controversial recommendations. In October he wrote on Twitter: “Do the masks work? No. “In November, he even called on people in the state of Michigan to” stand up “against the crown’s measures.

Scientists and experts like the renowned virologist Anthony Fauci had repeatedly criticized Atlas for this reason.

The radiologist had worked for the United States government since August. According to constant media reports, his contract would have expired after 130 days this week anyway. Now he could use his resignation statement to defend himself against criticism.
