Schwesig for the extension of the confinement until the end of January | – news


Status: 04/01/2021 7:16 pm

Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) has spoken in favor of extending the blockade. Before the country’s leaders’ consultations with Chancellor Merkel, he said the measures should continue until the end of January.

The infection figures are still very high, said the head of government in support of the reason. However, the blockade decided in December worked, without it the numbers would be more dramatic. Before the country’s consultations with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), it is clear that many shops and service providers such as hair salons and cosmetic studios will remain closed, as will restaurants, pubs and hotels. Contact restrictions continue to apply.

Schools may open for a few years in MV

But there can be movement in the schools. Education Minister Bettina Martin (SPD) said that, if possible, she would bring the final classes to face-to-face classes next week, and then also to classes 1-6. Ministers of Education. The round had promised these flexibilities in those countries that have low incidence figures of 7 days. Martin said that she was not a prophet and could not predict the development of the number of cases, especially after the holidays. However, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is far from a target value below 50. The opening of a general school across the country and largely normal lessons are not yet in evidence.

So far partial care in schools

School started again in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania on the Monday after the Christmas holidays. However, the requirement to be present in the first week of January still lifts. Most of the 150,000 students should initially study primarily at home in homeschooling, just like in the last week of school before Christmas. So far there have been no problems with the server in the new year, said a spokesman for the Ministry of Education. Parents are asked to watch their children within their own four walls if possible. Only girls and boys in grades 1-6 who are unsupervised can attend school. The children then study in their classes and do the same tasks as their classmates at home.

Lake District: Emergency Care for Fifth and Sixth Grade Students

There is an exception in the Mecklenburg Lake district: there, fifth and sixth grade students only receive emergency care in schools. In view of the high number of infections, the district had decided this before the end of the year. Current regulations initially apply to the first week of classes until January 8. It is still open if the lessons can be held again later. That depends on the development of the number of infections, said a spokesman for the Ministry of Education.


A crow flies over the Tui Group logo at the company's headquarters.  © picture alliance / Julian Stratenschulte / dpa Photo: Julian Stratenschulte

Quarantine obligation when visiting an incidence area of ​​200

Students who have been in a German region with an incidence value of 200 or more or who have been in a foreign risk area in the last ten days must quarantine at home. The Ministry of Education pointed out that in these cases the local health department must also be notified. Those affected are exempt from the obligation to quarantine if they were visiting family members and in the case of joint custody. Children who have had contact with an infected person in the past two weeks cannot go to school either. If something is not clear, the ministry recommends calling the state government hotline at 0385 588 11311 contact.

Before Christmas: only a minority in schools

According to the Ministry of Education in the northeast, only a small proportion of the children were sent to school in the last days before the Christmas holidays. During this time, the same rules applied as the first week of school for the new year. According to the ministry, 25 percent of girls and boys in elementary schools and 13 percent in grades 5 and 6 were served in school buildings shortly before Christmas.

Nurseries: the Minister of Social Affairs asks parents to take care of children at home

The nurseries also reopened on Monday, as before Christmas. Social Minister Stefanie Drese (SPD) asked parents to, if possible, take care of the nursery children at home. Hours of operation in nurseries should not be restricted for the time being. Shortly before the Christmas holidays, according to the Ministry of Social Affairs, only a quarter of the children were in their nursery.

Crown in MV

7-day incidence sheet from January 4

Most of the new infections were in the Mecklenburg Lake District. plus

Rostock main entrance Südstadtklinikum © Südstadtklinikum Rostock Photo: Südstadtklinikum Rostock

The situation in MV clinics and hospitals is different. The Lake District and Vorpommern-Greifswald are particularly affected by Corona. plus

A corona vaccine syringe is administered.  © picture alliance / Jens Büttner Photography: Jens Büttner

Vaccination against the coronavirus has started across the country and about 0.7 percent of the country’s population has already been vaccinated. plus

A woman plays the violin in the living room.  © stm Photo:

Freelancers in the cultural sector will also receive a bridge scholarship in the new year during the corona pandemic. plus

Crown: You should know that


Smartphone-Tastatur.  © iStockphoto Photo: Krystian Nawrockii

The ministries, authorities and associations of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania changed telephones and citizens’ hotlines to answer questions about the corona virus. Here is an overview. plus

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NDR 1 Radio MV | The news | 04.01.2021 | 17:00 hours

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