Schwesig defends the Easter running of the bulls | – news


Status: 23.03.2021 4:00 pm

The Prime Minister of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Manuela Schwesig (SPD), defended the resolutions of the federal-state consultations. The harsh Easter blockade is inevitable. After Easter, there should be careful opening steps in the model regions, especially in the tourism sector.

“Especially during Easter, we stay home,” Schwesig said, referring to the tough Easter blockade that had been decided in federal-state consultations. From April 1 to 5 inclusive, from Holy Thursday to Easter Monday, public, economic and private life will be largely closed. “These days there should be no work. Everyone should stay home, contacts should be reduced,” said the Prime Minister. Household visits are possible, but they advise you to avoid them as much as possible, says Schwesig. This is the only chance to break the third wave of the pandemic. Grocery stores should only be able to open on Holy Saturday. They must remain closed the remaining days from April 1 to April 5. “Holy Thursday should be treated in the same way as Good Friday.” The details of the consequences will be explained on Friday.

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Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) during a video conference with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and other state leaders.  © dpa-Bildfunk Photography: Jens Büttner / dpa-Zentralbild / dpa

The head of state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Manuela Schwesig, was unable to implement her vacation plan in her own country. plus

Errors in obtaining vaccines have repercussions

The country is in a “very difficult phase” because it is in the middle of the third wave, Schwesig said. “A mistake in the procurement of vaccines by the EU and the federal government is falling on our feet,” said the prime minister. There are only three ways to counter this third wave: extensive vaccination, strict lockdown, and careful openings with a comprehensive testing strategy. She was for the combined tests, in connection with a brief lockdown during Easter.

Kindergartens and schools must remain open

The operation of the nursery and school should continue until the Easter holidays and normally start again after the holidays. This should be verified by rapid tests, currently once a week, then twice a week. However, only recently have there been bottlenecks in deliveries to schools in MV because transports have been delayed. Schwesig appealed to citizens to take free rapid tests once a week. This is possible at the test center or in pharmacies. Because there will still be very little vaccine available in April and probably May as well, testing will need to increase for another two months. Forty percent of the population should be tested regularly, according to Schwesig, because too many people inadvertently transmit the virus. That’s why Schwesig would like employers to test their employees more often in the future.

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Rostock - Employees of the technical aid organization in the Hanseatic city deliver corona rapid tests for schoolchildren at Reutershagen secondary school.  © dpa-Bildfunk Photo: Bernd Wüstneck

Deliveries to schools stagnate. A parcel service was supposed to deliver 185,000 test kits to schools, causing delays. plus

Schwesig angered by the course of the federal-state consultations

Schwesig regretted that there was no support for the suggestion by some federal states that they could go on vacation with few contacts in their own state. Due to the lack of an open perspective, there has been massive criticism from the tourism industry. It was a very balanced proposal, Schwesig said, but unfortunately Chancellor Angela Merkel and other federal states rejected it as a “wrong sign.” The Prime Minister’s Conference was poorly prepared. “You cannot put an Easter blockade on the table at eight thirty and then decide, such decisions must be well prepared and communicated,” Schwesig said.

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Barth - A sculpture of an Easter bunny made from straw bales is fenced off at Boddenhafen.  © dpa-Bildfunk Photography: Bernd Wüstneck / dpa

Resolutions by federal states to extend the blockade receive massive criticism, especially in the tourism industry in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. plus

The federal government was also unable to explain conclusively why holidays in Mallorca are possible, but not in their own country. This decision by Mallorca must be urgently reviewed again, Schwesig said, especially since the Brazilian mutant has now also been found in Mallorca.

Model regions with first openings

Looking ahead to the time after Easter, the Prime Minister opened up hopes of relief. In certain regions with low incidence, model projects should be possible, especially in the field of tourism. There should also be more financial aid. Details will be discussed in the next few days. The new crown measures will be debated in state parliament on Thursday and an MV summit is scheduled for Friday. There the corresponding state ordinance will be approved.

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Schwerin: The entrance to a restaurant in the city center is cordoned off with two stools.  © dpa-Bildfunk Photo: Jens Büttner

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Smartphone-Tastatur.  © iStockphoto Photo: Krystian Nawrockii

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NDR 1 Radio MV | The news | 03/23/2021 | 3:00 pm.

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