Schools in Saxony closed until the end of January


The Saxon state government receives approval from the GEW teachers union and the state parent council. Uschi Kruse, GEW country manager, told MDR SACHSEN that he thinks it is good “that I don’t try to go into regular operations with brute force. The multi-stage plan developed by the Permanent Conference is the right way forward. “However, I think what they have planned to do, starting on January 18, is to bring back some of the students. I think that’s a bit early, and will definitely have to be discussed.”

The president of the state council of parents, Nadine Eichhorn, said that with the long-term plan, parents could better adapt to the situation. “What is still pending is how to deal with the study plans and exams. There will be more discussions on this in the coming days.”

While the Greens in the Saxon state parliament proposed a round table on schools and kindergartens, the AfD calls for kindergartens and primary schools to be opened immediately.

Prime Minister Kretschmer had already spoken out on Sunday in favor of extending the restrictions beyond January 10. The December lockdown slowed the rapid increase in new infections. But you shouldn’t get carried away with a false sense of security: “Instead of a hunch and a scream between relaxation and restraint, I advocate being consistent and having strong nerves,” he said. “An extension of the blockade in Saxony until at least the end of January is therefore inevitable.”
