School Summit at the Chancellery: Teachers’ Laptops Should Arrive Quickly


Schools should teach more digitally, and the federal government wants to help states with this goal. At a meeting of education ministers at the Foreign Ministry, other steps were discussed. Teachers should now quickly receive work laptops.

At the so-called school summit at the Chancellery, the federal and state governments agreed to closer cooperation on digitization. The President of the Conference of Ministers of Education, the Minister of Education of Rhineland-Palatinate, Stefanie Hubig, welcomed the willingness of the Federal Government to allow the acquisition of digital devices for teachers this year after the meeting ended.

The federal government wants to contribute an additional 500 million euros for this. As the dpa news agency writes, citing groups of participants, this money will be advanced. Subsequently, as originally agreed by the grand coalition, funding should come from the € 750 billion EU reconstruction fund, which had been decided by the EU member states. This fund has not yet been established.

The meeting at the Chancellery also confirmed that the federal government wants to contribute 500 million euros to the training and financing costs of administrators who are supposed to deal with technology in schools.

Education is and will continue to be a matter of the country

Despite increased cooperation with the federal government, educational federalism remains intact, emphasized SPD politician Hubig. Going forward, the federal and state governments would work together even more intensively on the existing structures for the digital compact for schools, Hubig continued. For example, existing structures in teacher training and advanced training should be expanded to “create practice-oriented centers of competence for digital teaching”.

Perspectives and criticism

Government spokesman Steffen Seibert also emphasized that responsibility for the school system rests with the federal states. At the same time, the federal government recognizes its responsibility to support the federal states in their fundamental task of digitizing schools and participating in measures “that should enable schools, children, and teachers to rapidly enable new and targeted forms of digital learning. to the future”.

The participants in the discussion had identified seven stories that the federal and state governments wanted to continue working on together, Seibert explained. This included the rapid expansion of fiber optic Internet connection for all schools and the gradual development of an educational platform by the federal government. Another school summit should take place early next year.

The criticism came from the education and training association. “The big coup did not materialize today,” said President Udo Beckmann. He spoke of declarations of intent and ignorance of the necessary speed.

The situation of the crown in schools was also a problem

The theme of the summit at the Chancellery, which was attended by Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel, the ministers of education of the federal states, the federal Minister of Education Anja Karliczek of the CDU and the president of the SPD Saskia Esken, was also the control infection and hygiene measures in schools. The regular operation in Corona conditions at the beginning of the school year was the right step, explained Hubig, who also expressed her understanding for the concerns of students, parents and teachers with a view to the cold season. For this reason, the Conference of Ministers of Education and Culture has invited a technical debate on ventilation hygiene next Wednesday. The group agreed to avoid re-closing schools nationwide.
