School operations in corona pandemic: students, parents and teachers ask for alternative lessons – politics


In view of the continuing high number of corona infections, Berlin Education Senator Sandra Scheeres (SPD) has encouraged schools to try mixed forms of face-to-face teaching and digital learning. “Many schools in Berlin have already developed an alternative scenario with hybrid learning, and some have already tried it,” he said. Schools could try new teaching formats. The Senate wants to avoid a “complete change.”

The regional student council calls for hybrid lessons with divided study groups to be presented at all schools. Scheeres had previously banned several schools from carrying out pilot projects and was also heavily criticized by the SPD parliamentary group and the Greens.

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The federal and state governments have repeatedly stressed that they want to keep schools open in the crown pandemic, and education ministers opposed cutting school classes in half. On Monday they have to present a proposal on how to make schools safer.

SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach made clear on Twitter the importance of schools in the pandemic. The already very high incidence of new infections among 10- to 19-year-olds is likely “several times higher” than the number of officially recorded cases, Lauterbach tweeted, due to the large number of symptom-free cases in the group of age and the high number of unreported cases, Lauterbach tweeted, and transmission from children. Siblings or parents are 30 to 50 percent in seven days: “Children are bridge bearers. Have lots of contacts in all age groups. “
