School operations are “at high risk”


VBefore the change conference between Prime Minister and Chancellor Angela Merkel, the focus is on the debate on how to deal with schools in light of the record number of infections. SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach spoke in favor of keeping schools open in any event, but cautioned against continuing school operations. The education and science union called for the decision to switch between homeschooling and classroom teaching. It seems certain that the corona restrictions imposed in November are likely to continue.

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) wants to take stock of the latest restrictions on contact at the national level on Monday (2 pm) with the prime ministers of the federal states two weeks after the start of the most recent restrictions on contact at the national level. The federal government has already made clear that in light of the rising numbers, it currently sees no reason to relax. Leisure facilities are currently closed, hotels cannot accommodate tourists.

Lauterbach told the Funke media group newspapers (Saturday): “We are entering a situation where school operations are becoming a high risk for children, teachers, parents and grandparents.” He advised that school classes should be divided and “with all the time in winter Mask” to teach. Children between 10 and 19 years old are just as contagious as adults. In any case, he assumes that the “closure of the breakwater. ”” Other than schools, a probable cause is very little restriction of private contacts. “

Face-to-face teaching at no cost

Marlis Tepe, president of the Education and Science Union, asked politicians to decide to change the lessons of a seven-day incidence value of 50 during the crown consultations. “I hope there is a decision in favor of alternating lessons,” he told the “Passauer Neue Presse” (Saturday). “We have to protect the health of teachers, students and their parents.” Face-to-face teaching is very important, but not at any cost.
