School openings: education ministers decide the plan step by step | – Nachrichten – Hamburg


Status: 04.01.2021 7:30 pm

Even after the end of the school holidays on Tuesday in Hamburg, the regular lessons will not continue: compulsory attendance, as announced, will be lifted until at least January 17.

Education ministers discussed on Monday how things should continue in schools. Consequently, schools in Germany will likely remain closed for longer. Due to the high number of infections, it would be necessary to continue with the measures currently applicable, according to a resolution of the Conference of Ministers of Education.

Three-step plan presented

On the other hand, the opening of schools is extremely important. The 16 ministers of education propose a three-step plan for this. According to this, pupils in grades one to six should go back to school in the first stage, “if the situation in individual countries allows it.” At the second level, there should be supplementary alternate lessons for general and vocational school students starting in the seventh grade. The class size should be cut in half. Only a third stage provides for the full return of face-to-face teaching for all students. Exceptions to the tier model are provided for final classes.

The Hamburg school authority will decide on Tuesday

Each federal state should be able to decide for itself when to start partially opening schools. Hamburg school authorities said they wanted to wait for the Prime Minister’s Conference on Tuesday with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and then decide.

More information

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Hamburg newspaper | 04.01.2021 | 19:30 hours

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