Schäuble announces consequences for AfD MPs


During the debate on the Infection Protection Act, crown deniers harassed politicians in the Reichstag building. The president of the Bundestag, Schäuble, is examining legal actions against several deputies of the AfD.

Protests and riots in the Reichstag during the debate on the Infection Protection Act could have legal consequences for those involved. Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble announced Thursday that the parliament administration “will examine all legal options” to “take action against the perpetrators and those who gave them access to Bundestag property.”

In a letter sent to all members of the Bundestag, which is available for t-online, Schäuble speaks of “very serious incidents”. “They have unleashed a variety of fears and fears among colleagues and employees and can create an atmosphere that is opposed to free and open discussion. We must not allow that in the German Bundestag.”

The rioters were invited by three deputies from the AfD

During the previous day’s debate, delegates in the corridors of the Reichstag building were harassed, filmed and insulted by visitors, including the Minister of the Economy, Peter Altmaier (CDU). In Altmaiers’ case, the rioters filmed the action and posted the video on the Internet. You can read more about the incidents and who the rioters were here.

A Bundestag police report shows that the four visitors were invited by the three AfD MPs Udo Hemmelgarn, Petr Bystron and Hansjörg Müller. The so-called Council of Elders of the parliamentary groups represented in the Bundestag agreed on Thursday to examine the criminal consequences against those appointed.

Bundestag President Schäuble announced a current time on Friday’s incidents. In addition, he said, it would examine “how the existing rules can be complemented in order to act more effectively against abuse like last Wednesday.”

Protests during deliberations on the Infection Protection Act

Thousands of people protested Wednesday against the new infection protection law. Its aim is to put measures against the spread of the coronavirus on a stronger legal basis and, among other things, stipulate a time limit for restrictions. Read more about the law here.

Chancellor Angela Merkel called for greater cohesion and solidarity between the generations in the Corona crisis. It is important that everyone in society be taken into consideration and avoid unnecessary contacts, said the CDU politician in an online dialogue about the healthcare situation. The winter months are now a difficult time in the fight against the pandemic, Merkel said. The news about vaccine development is positive.
