“Scandalous judicial error”: Trump lashed out at the Supreme Court


“Scandalous judicial error”
Trump lashed out at the Supreme Court

US President Trump’s fight against the electoral victory of his challenger Biden is becoming more and more absurd. After a defeat in the Supreme Court, Trump lashed out at the highest court. The head of the Texas Republicans is even putting a secession from the “law-abiding” states into play.

In the fight against his electoral defeat, the president of the United States, Donald Trump, has harshly criticized the Supreme Court of the United States after his setback in the Supreme Court. “This is a great and scandalous judicial error. The people of the United States have been betrayed and our country shamed,” Trump wrote on Twitter. The incumbent president once again affirmed that he did not lose the elections, but won with a “landslide victory.” However, this claim is completely unfounded.

President-elect Joe Biden, a Democrat, will take office on January 20. Trump sees himself stripped of his victory by election fraud. However, neither he nor his lawyers have provided convincing evidence. The Supreme Court had dismissed a case by the state of Texas against the result of the presidential election on Friday night. Republican Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton wanted to overturn Biden’s victory in four other states. The Supreme Court said Texas has not explained why the state should have a legitimate interest in how other states conduct their elections.

“The Supreme Court really let us down. No wisdom, no courage,” Trump tweeted. He announced that he would continue to fight his defeat. “We started fighting !!!” he wrote in capital letters. Twitter provided several tweets from the president with warnings that the manipulation he claimed was controversial.

“A big disappointment!”

Trump also attacked the Republican governors of the states of Georgia and Arizona, Brian Kemp and Doug Ducey. They had opposed Trump’s efforts to counter Biden’s victory in their states. Trump wrote: “You have allowed the states I have easily won to be stolen. Never forget that, elect them out of office!”

Trump also criticized Attorney General William Barr. The Wall Street Journal reported that Barr had known about the investigations against Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, since the spring. Barr wanted to keep this investigation out of the election campaign. Trump retweeted a Twitter message calling for Barr’s firing if the report was correct. The president wrote: “A great disappointment!”

Meanwhile, Trump supporters demonstrated in Washington against the election result. The US media reported that several thousand protesters had gathered in the center of the capital. Almost a month ago, thousands of protesters in Washington demonstrated for Trump.

The Texas case before the Supreme Court had no realistic chance. The same goes for Trump’s continued efforts to reverse the outcome after all. Trump’s camp has suffered more than 50 legal defeats so far, but he has yet to give up the fight. In no state did presidential supporters change the outcome of the November 3 elections.

The Supreme Court had just rejected a request for judicial protection last Tuesday, with which the Trump side wanted to annul the result of the elections in Pennsylvania. Critics see behind Trump’s refusal to acknowledge his defeat as an attempt to continue collecting donations from his supporters.

Secession of the “law-abiding states”?

Paxton filed a lawsuit against Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin and Michigan in the Supreme Court on Monday. He affirmed that the constitution was violated there in the course of the elections. Therefore, the results there should not be taken into account. In addition to Trump, Republican justice ministers from 17 states and 126 Republican lawmakers in the US House of Representatives were behind Paxton’s lawsuit. Another 22 US states and territories objected. The respondent states rejected the initiative as an abuse of the legal system.

The head of the Republicans in Texas, Allen West, put into play a secession of US states following the decision of the Supreme Court. West spoke of a precedent, “which states that states can violate the US Constitution and cannot be held accountable,” according to a statement. “Perhaps the law-abiding states should come together and form a union of states that adhere to the constitution.”

The responsible US authorities had declared the election to be the safest in the United States. More recently, Attorney General Barr had said there was no evidence of fraud to the extent that it could change the outcome of the election. All 50 states and the capital city of Washington have certified their results. The results of each state are the key to winning the presidential election. The president of the United States is not chosen directly by the people, but by 538 electors who usually vote according to the result in their respective states. 270 votes are required for victory. Biden got 306 voters to back him after the results. State electoral votes are scheduled for Monday. The result will be officially read in Congress in Washington on January 6.

After the death of Liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in September, Trump had lobbied to swiftly fill the Supreme Court seat with Conservative attorney Amy Coney Barrett before the Supreme Court elections. He also explicitly referred to a possible dispute over the outcome of the elections. Conservatives now dominate the court with a majority of six to three votes. However, the Trump camp’s previous lawsuits have been dismissed by judges regardless of whether they were nominated by Democratic or Republican presidents.
