Saxony: Corona deniers protest in front of Michael Kretschmer’s house


A group of about 30 people protested Corona’s measures on Sunday morning in front of the private property of Saxon Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) in Großschönau. According to the police, the CDU politician spoke with about 30 people at the garden fence. After about 15 minutes the debate ended and everyone left the room.

“It was not a threatening situation for me. It is important for me to talk to people in the hope of convincing them, ”Kretschmer told the German press agency. However, when a woman covered her mouth with a handkerchief in the colors of the Imperial War flag, a limit was reached for him.

So I cut off the conversation. That was too much, ”said the 45-year-old. What caught his attention during the conversation was that the people protesting in front of his house showed “such an unwillingness to realize reality.”

As early as May, the politician confronted angry skeptics of the crown’s measures on a bicycle tour, without much success.

Prime Minister admits mistakes

According to the police, a large number of people gathered this time did not wear mouth and nose protection and only partially kept the required distances. Officers established the identities of those still present. In addition, a complaint was filed on suspicion of violation of the Assembly Law.

On Friday Kretschmer admitted mistakes in corona policy. In the fall, due to the general mood, state policy was too reluctant to react to the pandemic with tough measures, he said in an interview with Chemnitz Free Press. In hindsight, it would have been better to close the country much earlier, “even if that certainly would have resulted in a lot of misunderstandings among the population.”

Only after visiting various clinics in Saxony on December 11 did he realize the drama, Kretschmer said: ‘I did not realize that the Aue staff had been working to the limit six weeks before my visit (…). I wish they had warned me sooner. “

In August, the CDU politician met with the then highly controversial scientists Sucharit Bhakdi and Stefan Homburg. Both Bhakdi and Homburg belong to the Crown’s field of relativizers and regularly publish, in some cases verifiably, fake numbers that aim to show that the extent of the pandemic is not that serious. “Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer also says: The lockdown was excessive,” Homburg happily wrote on Twitter after the conversation: “Something is moving.”

In mid-October, Kretschmer had spoken out against the new measures to combat the epidemic in Germany with the phrase “No to hysteria, please.” For weeks, Saxony has had the highest incidence of new infections of all the federal states.

Icon: The mirror
