Saxony: Alexander Gauland warns AfD of a split


Germany State party conference in Saxony

Gauland warns AfD of a split

| Reading time: 3 minutes

Alexander Gauland spoke with the party's congress delegates for 15 minutes (file image) Alexander Gauland spoke with the party's congress delegates for 15 minutes (file image)

Alexander Gauland spoke with the party’s congress delegates for 15 minutes (file image)

Source: pa / dpa / Moritz Frankenberg

At the party congress in Saxony, the leader of the parliamentary group Alexander Gauland called for his party to stand together: “We must not allow ourselves to divide into two or more camps. There is only one AfD ”. Tino Chrupalla heads the national list in the federal electoral campaign.

SAchsen’s AfD goes to federal elections with the Bundeschef Tino Chrupalla at the helm. The 45-year-old received 547 of 706 possible votes, and thus 77.5 percent, at a party conference in Dresden on Saturday. Chrupalla was unrivaled at No. 1 on the state list. “We want to take responsibility for the government, but not at any price,” he told the 700 members.

At the top of the list, the leader of the Bundestag parliamentary group, Alexander Gauland, warned his party of a split and urged unity: “We have to stick together. We must not allow ourselves to divide ourselves into two or more camps. There is only one AfD, ”he said. The party included national conservatives and liberals, as well as national liberals and “social patriots.”

The Office for the Protection of the Constitution wants to force the AfD to separate itself from the “so-called radicals,” Gauland said: “If we align the AfD with the wishes of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, the AfD experiment has failed. Adopting strident tones, but wrong to follow the requirements of this authority in terms of constitutionality. ”

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Urban, the head of the Saxon AfD, welcomed members in the “capital of the resistance” – that’s what Dresden’s Islamophobic and xenophobic Pegida movement calls it. Urban noted that the AfD in Saxony is now classified as a suspected constitutional protection case. It was known that the observation would come: “This external pressure must not divide us. It should serve to close the ranks even more, to stick together, to support each other. “

The member of the Dresden Bundestag, Jens Maier, who came in second with 61.2 percent, was very popular. He triumphed against Michael Klonovsky, Gauland’s speechwriter. Maier advocated never forgetting the street despite all the presence in parliaments. He was proud of what Pegida had accomplished. Now, we must not forget the lateral thinkers. Dresden is the capital of the resistance, Berlin is the city of “multiculturalism, decadence and omnipresent cultural racism”: “When I return from Berlin to Saxony on a Friday, to Florence on the Elbe, it is like returning from darkness to light . “

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The AfD is the last “evolutionary opportunity for Germany to get back on track,” Maier said. In a question and answer session, he was also asked why the Office for the Protection of the Constitution called him a right-wing extremist and why he had repeatedly supported the former head of the Brandenburg AfD, Andreas Kalbitz: “For me, Andreas Kalbitz still he belongs to the party (…) Whoever is not defamed as a right-wing extremist these days, is doing something wrong, “Maier said literally. He has no intention of reviving National Socialism and” bringing Hitler out of the crypt. “No one here. wants that.

Leipzig AfD member Herwig Schöffler, who was running for third place on the list, gave boos. He told his friends in the party that there were also National Socialists in the hall and he took all the displeasure of the crowd.

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In the run-up, there was criticism of the AfD for insisting on a “party presence conference” with members. He had to present a hygiene plan to the city. Regulatory office employees checked the requirements in the morning. They also reviewed the certificates of a dozen AfD members who were separated without a mask in the back of the room and had to wear safety vests.
