Salary at Tesla: former employees raise charges about working conditions – economy


3,500 euros gross per month with vocational training, 2,700 euros in the lowest salary group!

Anyone who hires electric car maker Tesla at the new Grünheide plant near Berlin can make decent money.

► The trap: Former Tesla employees report poor working conditions, long overtime, and pressure from their former employer’s superiors. They bring harsh accusations against founder Elon Musk’s company (49), as reported by “Business Insider”.

“Such working conditions would be prohibited in Germany and should not become a reality at the planned Tesla plant,” says Eva Ratzesberger, a lawyer specializing in labor law at the AfA Rechtsanwälte Nürnberg law firm.

She classifies the BILD accusations and tells how the rules and laws are applied in Germany.

The accusations against the Musk company

▶ ︎ Unrealistic goals

“The worst thing is the toxicity that Elon generates: unrealistic goals without a realistic plan to achieve them,” accuses a former manager who worked directly with the head of Tesla, Elon Musk (49) in the United States.

He continues: “It’s a culture where you go when you don’t have a solution to a problem and that problem isn’t solved in a few days or a week or two. So you better keep your mouth shut. “

Ratzesberger to BILD: “A bad work environment, inadequate communication and pressure are not uncommon in German companies either.” To counteract this, he recommends: Establishing a works council.

▶ ︎ Many overtime

Up to 70 hours a week is not unusual, reports a former production manager: “I am grateful that I was fired because I worked hard and now my marriage is better.”

A former production employee who worked for the
The company worked. “I had two small children at home and I didn’t see them grow up,” he says.

“70 hours a week is not allowed as regular work hours are not allowed. The Working Hours Law allows a maximum of 48 hours a week with a five-day week, ”explains Ratzesberger. In the case of inadmissible working hours, legal action can be taken in the labor court, and the business supervision office can also be called. But be careful: first of all, you need to personally contact the employer!

▶ ︎ Fear of losing a job

A former employee who left the company a few months after the June 2018 job cuts had the permanent feeling that he could lose his job at any moment. Fluctuations in stock prices also created a lot of uncertainty among employees.

Complicity: The founder and head of the company himself, Elon Musk, who often caused a stir with his tweets and even attracted the attention of the US securities authorities and exchanges.

Ratzesberger gives the go-ahead: “In Germany, the employment protection law protects jobs considerably better than in the United States.” Because: German employees should not be fired without a reason.

The planned Tesla plant near Berlin is scheduled to start production in early July 2021. Tesla is sticking to the schedule for the construction of its factory in Grünheide near Berlin, although environmental approval from the state of Brandenburg is still pending. At the moment, Tesla is only building on the basis of preliminary approvals.
