Russia’s “Sputnik V”: Vaccination While Investigation Continues


“Sputnik V” is injected into test persons in Russia and at the same time sent to the regions for corona vaccination. Test subjects at a Moscow polyclinic express few concerns.

By Demian von Osten, ARD Studio Moscow

Jelena Melnikowa is sitting in the treatment room of the 121 Moscow Polyclinic. Measure fever and blood pressure, take a look at the throat – Dr. Maria Jewjukova is satisfied. “At first we do an investigation,” he explains. “We also ask about general well-being, if the patient has had a cold since the first exam we did. Then we look at the throat to see if there is any change. We also check the test results.” Because you can only vaccinate those who have not yet been infected with the coronavirus, do not have hepatitis or are HIV positive. Pregnant women, children, and the elderly are not eligible as test subjects.

Everything is fine with Melnikova. The 41-year-old woman volunteered as a test person through an online portal of the Moscow city administration, along with her husband, who is already waiting outside the door for his appointment. She believes that it is important to help develop the Russian vaccine: “We are going through this vaccine experiment now, so it can go fully into production, so that people don’t have to be afraid to get vaccinated,” she says.

Six months in observation

In the next room, a physician’s assistant removes the vaccine vial from a heavy refrigerator. Thaw for ten minutes, then the vaccine is injected into the subject’s right arm. It feels “very good,” says Melnikova after the injection.

For the next six months, you’ll have to keep an accurate record of whether this will continue: Download an app that requires daily health data entry, and you’ll also receive a fitness bracelet that measures your pulse, among other things. Patients remain under close observation by doctors for a long time. “Last Wednesday we vaccinated the first patient. Since then, thank God, we have not registered any side effects, no undesirable results. All patients feel fine,” says chief physician Andrei Tjaschelnikow. All subjects should receive a second vaccination after 14 days.

International critique of early admission

There was international criticism after Russia became the first country in the world to virtually approve the “Sputnik V” vaccine from the Gamaleya Institute. At that time, the usual third phase of vaccine development had not yet begun and information on the vaccine had not yet been released. The Russian researchers have now published an article in the medical journal “The Lancet”. But the graphs published in it are insufficient for international scientists.

Doses of the vaccine are already being distributed in the regions of Russia. Doctors and teachers in particular should receive them. But not everyone is enthusiastic about it: In a survey in August, more than half of the doctors surveyed said they still wouldn’t want to get vaccinated. There are 26 vaccine variants in clinical trials around the world.

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the registration of the first vaccine on August 11 on television. Leadership over other countries could become a gain in prestige for him: the state fund, which co-finances the production of the vaccine, has already signed contracts with Kazakhstan, Brazil and Mexico, and India is also going to do so. Putin said in August that his daughter had been vaccinated. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu have also been vaccinated. Examples that Russians seem to like.

“Who is first makes no difference”

Sergei Koschewnikow is also a test person at the 121 Moscow Polyclinic. The former soldier in his 50s saw Shoigu vaccinated and immediately registered. “It doesn’t matter who comes first, Russia, the United States or another country,” says Koschevnikov. “If an American or Western vaccine came along and the same testing phase was done here, I would take part in it.”

40,000 test people are needed; According to official information, more than 55,000 volunteers have registered in Moscow alone. In addition to Polyclinic 121, there are several places in Moscow that vaccinate. “Today, around 100 people come every day for exams and 30 to 50 for vaccinations,” says chief physician Tjaschelnikow. “I hope that the number of people who come for vaccines gradually increases.”

There is still no talk of mass vaccinations

Patient Anna, who does not give her last name, experiences a surprise on her appointment. “We have a little problem,” the chief physician suddenly says. Because during the preliminary examination, antibodies to the coronavirus were discovered in her blood. “I’m surprised, shocked,” says the young woman. She was not ill, at most she had a cold. You should not be vaccinated with antibodies against the virus.

Even Russia is still a long way from mass vaccination. Currently, more and more people test positive for the new corona virus; the authorities already expect a difficult autumn. And we count on the fact that the tests with the new vaccine will be positive and that the preparation will soon be able to be produced in large quantities.
