Russia threatens western states with countermeasures


Apparently, the Russian army has moved troops near the border with Ukraine. The US government accuses Moscow of “persistent aggression” and is demonstratively siding with Kiev.

US President Joe Biden has assured his Ukrainian colleague Volodymyr Zelensky that he can count on the “unwavering support” of the United States for the sovereignty of the country. The White House accused Russia of “persistent aggression” in Donbass and Crimea in its announcement in the two presidents’ first phone call since Biden took office in January.

In Kiev, Zelenskyi expressed his joy at the conversation. “We stand shoulder to shoulder when we have to preserve our democracies,” he wrote on Twitter. Statements by Ukraine’s Defense Ministry that the United States had pledged its support “in the event of an escalation” in eastern Ukraine prompted Moscow on Friday to warn of renewed tensions in the conflict region.

Russia: self-protection of troop movements

Moscow described troop movements near the Ukrainian border as a self-protection measure. “The activities of NATO, other alliances and individual states are increasing on the Russian borders,” a spokesman for the presidential office said on Thursday. “All of this forces us to be vigilant.”

Moscow, however, denies wanting to threaten Ukraine with troop movements and on Friday threatened to take action on its part if Western states sent forces into the country. “Russia does not threaten anyone and has never threatened anyone,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Good Friday.

Moscow warns of border tensions

Russia annexed the Crimean peninsula seven years ago after a controversial referendum. The international community continues to regard Crimea as part of Ukraine. The EU and the US, among others, have imposed sanctions on Russia for annexation.

Regarding a possible transfer of Western troops to Ukraine, Peskov said that “such a scenario would undoubtedly lead to further escalation of tensions near Russia’s borders.” “Of course, this would require additional measures by Russia to ensure Russian security,” he added.

Russian troops in an exercise: Kiev is concerned about the movement of Russian troops near the border with Ukraine.  (Source: imago images / Sergei Malgavko)Russian troops in an exercise: Kiev is concerned about the movement of Russian troops near the border with Ukraine. (Source: Sergei Malgavko / imago images)

“Menacing atmosphere”

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov also warned that an escalation in the Donbass region could destroy Ukraine. Previous comments by President Vladimir Putin remain applicable, he said. A NATO representative told the Reuters news agency that Russia is undermining peace efforts in eastern Ukraine. Alliance members are concerned about “recent large-scale military activities by Russia in and around Ukraine.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Selenskyj had previously stated that Russia had increased its troop presence on the border with Ukraine. Moscow wants to create a “threatening atmosphere”. Ukrainian military intelligence accused the Russian army of wanting to expand its presence in the rebel-held Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

The Ukrainian army had spoken in recent days of three places where Russia is apparently increasing its troops. According to unconfirmed images on social media, the Moscow government is moving tanks and other material to border regions and to Crimea, which it annexed in 2014.

Strong criticism of the US

The United States, in particular, has harshly criticized Moscow following reports of the transfer of Russian troops to the border with Ukraine. Washington is concerned “by the recent escalation of aggressive and provocative actions by Russia in eastern Ukraine,” US State Department spokesman Ned Price said Thursday. He warned Moscow against attempts to “intimidate or threaten our partner Ukraine.”

According to Kiev, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin telephoned his Ukrainian colleague Andrei Taran. Austin has assured that Washington will not leave Ukraine “in the event of an escalation of Russian aggression,” the Ukrainian Defense Ministry said.

Increase in violence in the conflict in eastern Ukraine

Moscow and Kiev this week blamed each other for the recent spike in violence in the conflict in eastern Ukraine. According to Ukrainian sources, 20 soldiers were killed and another 57 wounded in attacks by pro-Russian rebels since the beginning of the year.

More than 13,000 people have already died in the conflict in eastern Ukraine. Russia rejects the accusation that it provides military support to the rebels. In July last year, the parties to the conflict agreed to a ceasefire. However, fighting has intensified since mid-February, constantly undermining the already fragile ceasefire.

More recently, violence has increased again in eastern Ukraine. The government of Kiev and the West accuse the government of Moscow of financially supporting the separatists in eastern Ukraine with arms.
