Russia: police investigate Navalny’s informants


Russian police have started proceedings against the opposition party Sobol. The Kremlin critic’s staff member Navalny attempted to contact the agent who allegedly confessed to the poison attack on Navalny.

Russian police officers ransacked the apartment of Alexei Navalny’s colleague, Lyubov Sobol, and initiated proceedings against the Kremlin critic’s informant. Sobol was captured in the capital Moscow, Navalny’s team said.

A spokeswoman for the investigation committee confirmed that criminal proceedings had been initiated against the opposition for breaking and entering. You will be asked about it. According to Nawalnys, Sobol is now a suspect in the process. Therefore, she was detained for 48 hours.

Short-term detention beforehand

The incident occurred just days after Navalny posted a recording of a phone call with an alleged agent. According to Nawalny, the man is said to have admitted to the poison attack.

Sobol was briefly detained on Monday, shortly after the call was posted, after attempting to visit the suspected FSB agent at his apartment. She was fined for allegedly defying the order of a police officer, but was released.

Sobol faces prison

Sobol was charged with burglary and threats of violence because she rang the agent’s doorbell, Navalny Anti-Corruption Fund (FBK) director Ivan Zhdanov said via Twitter news service. In the worst case, you face a prison sentence for trespassing.

Navalny harshly criticized the actions of the police. “This is not a state, it is a criminal group,” he said. “It’s just a blatantly fabricated criminal case.” All equipment in Sobol’s apartment was seized by security forces, including the seven-year-old daughter’s cell phone, Navalny wrote. The girl and the husband should have left the apartment.

The Kremlin rejects the accusations

Navalny, 44, is in rehab in Germany after being seriously poisoned. He blames an FSB “assassin squad” operating under the orders of Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin for the poison attack with a Novichok group chemical warfare agent.

The Kremlin had rejected his involvement in the case on several occasions. Russia is still waiting for evidence. Doctors from the Berlin Charité had published a medical report on the poisoning in the journal “The Lancet”. According to Interfax, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said: “We do not read medical publications.”

Deutschlandfunk reported on this issue on December 25, 2020 at 11:00 am
