Rules for the UK and the EU: what will change with the Brexit deal


On January 1 the new agreement between Great Britain and the EU comes into force. This also changes a lot for guests, students and employees during the holidays. The innovations at a glance.

By Jenny Beyen, ARD-Studio London

Even if the corona pandemic doesn’t really allow it right now: at some point there will be a normal vacation time again. If you want to go to Great Britain, you have to consider a few things. For example, vacationers from Germany and other EU countries now need a valid passport to enter the country. Until now, an identity card was sufficient for this, but it is no longer the case. However, a holiday visa is not required: as long as you do not stay in the country for more than 90 days.

The German driving license goes further

The European health card is also still valid. However, the British government requires that you also have to show foreign travel medical insurance for the duration of your stay. For those entering by car, the following applies: a German driving license is more than enough. However, as before, the so-called “Green Card” must be presented upon request to show that the vehicle is insured.

When it comes to mobile phones, data roaming agreements that normally apply within the EU are ending. However, several mobile network operators such as O2 or Vodafone have announced that they will not impose special foreign rates on tourists in Britain. In principle, however, the British government advises travelers to ask their own contracted provider.

Workers require a UK visa

On the other hand, there is bad news for students and employees. On the one hand, Great Britain is ending its participation in the Erasmus student exchange program. This will make it more difficult and especially more expensive for students in the future if they want to go to a university in Great Britain. On the other hand, employees now need a visa to be able to work on the island. According to the British government, particularly skilled skilled workers should have preference in the award
