RTL / ntv trend barometer: greens rise significantly, AfD plummets


For a long time there was not so much movement in Sunday’s question on the RTL / ntv trend barometer. However, after the federal party conference, the Greens are taking a remarkable leap. For the AfD, which is holding its party conference this weekend, there is bad news.

For the first time in many weeks, the parties’ approval ratings on Sunday’s so-called issue are clearly on the move again. A week after the federal party’s digital conference and the adoption of a new core-oriented core program, the Greens on the RTL / ntv trend barometer again surpassed the 20 percent mark. With a plus of two percentage points, the party follows in second place with 21 percent. With an increase from one percentage point to 37 percent, the Union is moving forward.

There was also a clear move in the AfD, which was heavily criticized for its appearance in the Bundestag last week. The party lost two percentage points compared to the previous week and, at seven percent, is now as bad as it has been since July 2017. It lags behind the left, which is now eight percent with a plus. of one percentage point. The SPD loses one point to 15 percent of those surveyed. There were no changes in the FDP, which was the last at six percent.

Habeck clearly ahead of Scholz

The advantage of the Greens is clearly noticeable when asked about Chancellor’s preference and political competition: if German citizens could directly elect the Federal Chancellor, 34 percent would be for CSU chief Markus Söder, 21 percent for the president of the Greens, Robert. Habeck and 15 percent choose SPD chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz. Compared to the previous week, Habeck would gain three percentage points and Scholz would lose two percentage points. The Söder value remains unchanged. 30 percent of the electorate would not vote for any of the three.

When asked which party would best address the problems in Germany, 41 percent in Forsa’s poll favored the CDU and the CSU, an increase of one percentage point. Eight percent attribute this political competition to the Greens, three percentage points more than the previous week. The SPD, which is only five percent confident to be able to solve the problems in Germany, lost to the same extent. 41 percent do not consider any party competent.
