Robert Lewandowski breaks record, FC Bayern


Robert Lewandowski and the search for records: Meanwhile, the Pole seems to write another page in football history books almost every week.

In the classic on Saturday night, the world footballer set the next record.

Once again it became clear that “Lewy” especially likes to score against his old team: Lewandowski regularly casts the blacks and yellows in cannibal style and has already scored 20 goals in 14 Bundesliga duels.

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So far not a single player in the history of the Bundesliga has achieved this mark against the blacks and yellows. The previous record holder was Klaus Allofs, who can boast 18 goals in 22 games against Dortmund.

At the Allianz Arena, he made a 3-pointer for FC Bayern in a 4-2 win and won the head-to-head duel against shooting star Erling Haaland. However, the Norwegian also shone with a double pack. (Votes in the top game)

Lewandowski sets a record and pursues the next

After scoring three goals against BVB, Lewandowski now has 31 goals this season and is the Bundesliga’s top scorer.

With his incredible hit rate, the 32-year-old is on the hunt for Gerd Müller’s scoring record, which was actually seen as an all-age record. That’s 40 hits, so Lewandowski only needs nine goals to set the record, and ten to set a new one.

Twelve more goals than Haaland

“Lewy” is almost certain to outshine Haaland this season. With his 31 goals, he scored a whopping twelve more goals than BVB-Knipser, who share second place with André Silva from Frankfurt.

By the way: with his current performance, the Bayern star would have been the top scorer in 52 of the 57 Bundesliga seasons. Lewandowski still has ten chances to finally make it into the history books.
