Robert Koch Institute: over 11,000 new infections again


For the second day in a row, the number of new corona infections is more than 11,000. World Doctors President Montgomery warned of a further increase, so another lockdown can no longer be ruled out.

According to the Robert Koch Institute, German health authorities reported 11,242 new corona infections in one day. The number is comparable to the record 11,287 cases the day before and well above the 7334 new infections reported on Friday last week.

Therefore, the current values ​​are higher than those of the spring, but they are only comparable up to a point because many more tests are now being done and therefore more infections are being discovered. According to experts, recently reported infections are an indication of how strong the virus was in society about a week ago due to the time between infection, test, result, and report. So it will take some time before the policy measures are reflected in the registration figures.

According to the RKI, at least 403,291 people in Germany have been shown to have been infected with the virus since the beginning of the Corona crisis. Therefore, the number of deaths related to a corona infection was 9954. That was 49 more than the day before. According to RKI estimates, around 310,200 are currently recovered.

Medical chair: closure may be required

World Doctors President Frank Ulrich Montgomery told the “Rheinische Post” that the situation could spiral out of control as soon as the number of new infections increased to 20,000 each day, because the chains of infection could no longer be traced. “So they threaten us with a second lockdown because the virus can no longer be stopped in any other way,” Montgomery said.

The medical president also lowered hopes that the pandemic will end soon. “We have to live with the virus for years and deal with it: keep our distance, wash our hands, wear masks,” he said.

Teichert: Problem, but without loss of control.

The head of the medical association, Teichert, however, secured in the daily topicsthat the fight against the coronavirus in Germany is still under control. “I don’t think we’re at the point where we’ve lost control,” he said in den daily topics. Due to the increasing number of infections, there is certainly a problem “that we can no longer keep up with the staff situation,” Teichert said. “But it is not yet that we no longer have the situation under control.”

Vaccinating everyone could take years

According to Medical President Montgomery, the pandemic will not be relieved anytime soon with a vaccine. The World Health Organization expects this in mid-2021. “But it will take two to three years for the entire population to be vaccinated,” Montgomery said. Because: “There are not enough doses or enough personnel to vaccinate everyone at the same time.”

Therefore, restrictions can be expected for the time being. “In 2021 we will not have a summer vacation like before,” said the expert.
