RKI with figures on coronavirus: “You cannot start from relaxation”


Germany RKI in coronavirus

“You really can’t expect relaxation”

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“You still can’t wait for relaxation”

The Robert Koch Institute believes that the measures in the coronavirus pandemic are effective, but still sees no reason to give the go-ahead. “You really can’t expect relaxation,” said RKI President Lothar Wieler.

Health Minister Spahn sees success in fighting the crown virus. But he warns: Easter could become a “fork in the road”. RKI chief Wieler is also alarmed. The number of new infections remains at a “high level”.

DAccording to the president of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Lothar Wieler, the number of people recently infected with the coronavirus in Germany is still at a “high level”. “You really can’t expect relaxation,” Wieler said Thursday at the federal press conference. Those affected would have an average age of 49 years.

The number of deaths has increased “continuously” in recent days. This is due to the fact that more and more older people would become infected, also due to crown outbreaks in nursing homes and nursing homes. The average age of the deceased is 80 years old.

The RKI now wants to start large national antibody studies on the spread of the coronavirus. This is to determine how many people have already had an infection and are now immune to the virus for at least a certain time.

It is examined if the antibodies against Sars-CoV-2 can be detected in the blood of the study participants, which is a reliable indication of a previous infection. “From these studies, we expect a more accurate picture of the Sars CoV 2 events in Germany,” said RKI President Wieler.

Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) warned against current figures not to be “sloppy” when dealing with the coronavirus. At the federal press conference, Spahn said the current measures had an effect: “The number of recently reported infections is flattening out.” There is now a “linear increase”, with almost 110,000 infected people now showing more than 50,000 healthy people.

Spahn sees Easter as a “fork on the road”

If people started to gather in groups again, these successes would be compromised. “Yes, we want to gradually return to reality. But we are far from everyday life as we knew it before Corona,” said Spahn. Easter is a “fork in the road,” in which it is decided how long they should continue to apply. the requirements.

In addition to the absolute numbers, Spahn emphasized the importance of the key number R0 to assess the situation. The basic reproductive number R0 indicates how many people are infected by the average. “We were at five to seven, now we’re there for someone to infect someone else,” said Spahn. The “issue of absolute numbers” also “naturally has consequences for the health system because 10 to 12 percent need clinical treatment.”

Forty percent of intensive care beds in Germany are currently free. Therefore, Germany has started to admit and treat patients from neighboring countries.

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Spahn assumes that the distance rules against the spread of the coronavirus must be followed for a long time. The CDU politician said that regardless of what happened after Easter, the minimum distance of 1.5 meters and hygiene standards were maintained. In particular, he called for regular disinfection or handwashing, so as not to touch the other’s face and refrain from shaking hands and kissing as a greeting. “It will definitely be something that will accompany us in our daily lives for many, many months,” said Spahn.

According to the RKI, 2107 people died in Germany as a result of infection with the coronavirus. That’s 246 more than the day before. Meanwhile, 108,202 cases of infection have been confirmed, 4,974 more than the previous day. The RKI does not initially say how many people have recovered in 24 hours. More recently, it reported that 7,561 patients were healthy again.

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