RKI warns over 100,000 cases of corona per day – national policy


Shock Statement from Robert Koch Institute (RKI) President Lothar Wieler (60): RKI Chief Warns of Drastic Worsening of Third Crown Wave!

“Sure, that could be 100,000 a day,” Wieler said, referring to the dramatically growing number of cases. All the indicators indicated that the third wave could be worse than the first and second! Therefore, from the point of view of protection against infections, a tougher lockdown is necessary than in the spring of 2020.

A calculation model by experts at Technical University led by scientist Kai Nagel also assumes that the third wave will lead to a significantly higher incidence.

Experts especially look at the opening of schools and nurseries after the Easter holidays. If this were to occur in view of the current infection rate at the current vaccination rate and without full corona test options, scientists expect an incidence value of around 2000 as early as May!

What does the “Tagesspiegel”.

▶ ︎ Particularly dramatic: According to the simulations, the so-called emergency crown brake (tightening of the crown measurements with an incidence value greater than 100), the progressive vaccinations and the warmer spring weather could no longer prevent the increase.

The Saarbrücken University Covid simulator, which models infection scenarios, is based on the current infection rate, meanwhile, from an incidence value of more than 400 on April 24.

The federal government, meanwhile, is calling for the “emergency brake” to be strictly enforced, while several federal states are working on opening scenarios.

Spahn: We need “a real closure of our contacts, our mobility”

Jens Spahn (40, CDU), BundesgesundheitsministerPhoto: Kay Nietfeld / dpa

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/jens-spahn-40-cdu-bundesgesundheitsminister-bfcdfc4b83764199b68d7b1f3a77487c-75882034/Bild/8.bild.jpg “/>

Jens Spahn (40, CDU), Federal Minister of Health Photo: Kay Nietfeld / dpa

► Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (40, CDU) said there is a risk that hospitals will reach their capacity limits again in April if the number of infections increases.

He thinks another 10-14 day lockdown is necessary!

“If we take the numbers, including today’s developments, we actually need another 10 or 14 days to really close our contacts, our mobility,” Spahn said Saturday at an online discussion event hosted by the federal government, where citizens they could ask questions.

The number of intensive care patients registered with the German Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive and Emergency Medicine (Divi) increased to 3,323 people on Friday. On Friday, the RKI reported another sharp rise in numbers. The Federal Foreign Office issued travel advisories due to the high number of infections in neighboring France, Austria, Denmark and the Czech Republic.

Individual federal states have announced model tests in which certain openings, for example in retail, should be possible when customers submit negative tests. North Rhine-Westphalia, for example, does not follow Corona’s rigid “emergency brake”.

► Districts and urban districts with an incidence of more than 100, but which have a sufficient number of free corona tests, can, for example, allow the purchase (Click & Meet) if a negative test is presented. This should be an incentive for municipalities to conduct more tests. This stems from the country’s new Crown Protection Ordinance, which will take effect on March 29.

Countries such as Saarland, Bavaria or Saxony-Anhalt announced model projects in which initial steps are combined with increased testing. The Association of Cities and Municipalities endorsed plans for a far-reaching crown relaxation in Saarland as the “right approach.”

Spahn calls for a faster vaccination rate

Health Minister Spahn called on federal states to also vaccinate vaccine stocks more quickly. Because more doses of vaccine would be delivered in April than in the entire first quarter, there is less need to hold stocks for the second vaccination. Instead, more people should be vaccinated.

Therefore, those over 70 may be given unvaccinated doses on weekends. “That makes it easier to regulate vaccination,” Spahn said. The background for this is reports of hundreds of thousands of unused vaccine doses. Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder announced that deviations from previous vaccination priorities should also be discussed at a vaccination summit in the state.

RKI chief Wieler said that one had to be prepared for the fact that people would have to get vaccinated again in a few months due to the virus variants. Due to the variants, it is also necessary that as many people as possible in the world be vaccinated. Spahn said that especially the mRNA vaccines from Biontech and Moderna could be adapted relatively quickly to new variants.
