RKI reports more than 22,000 new infections and 251 more deaths


IIn Germany, health authorities reported 22,609 new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in 24 hours. That’s a good 5,000 more cases than Wednesday (17,561), as RKI data shows on Thursday morning. A little more cases have been reported compared to a week ago. Last Thursday, the number of new infections reported was 21,866. The peak was reached last Friday with 23,542 reported cases.

The RKI has counted a total of 855,916 proven Sars-CoV-2 infections in Germany since the start of the pandemic. The number of deaths related to the virus increased by 251 through Thursday to a total of 13,370. The RKI estimates that around 562,700 people have recovered.

You can find all the figures and graphics about the coronavirus here.

According to RKI’s management report on Wednesday night, the so-called seven-day R-value was 0.95 (previous day: 0.97). This means that, in theory, 100 infected people infect 95 more people. The value represents the onset of the infection 8 to 16 days ago. If it is below 1 for a long time, the infection process subsides.

Due to the pandemic, politicians and the police union are calling for a ban on fireworks on New Year’s Eve this year. “The New Year’s Eve fireworks must be canceled this year due to the crown. Alcohol, crowds and a party atmosphere quickly join the New Year’s Eve bollards, “said German Police Union President Rainer Wendt of the” Bild “newspaper. But that is not modern.

CSU member of the Bundestag Michael Kuffer also thinks that this year “shooting and fireworks should be banned on New Year’s Eve.” Due to the hot atmosphere of the country, it is too dangerous for people to run through the streets with explosives. The Interior Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Herbert Reul (CDU), also spoke out against firecrackers and rockets on New Year’s Eve. The decision rests with the municipalities.
