RKI reports maximum value: 952 deaths per crown in Germany


German health authorities have reported 952 new corona deaths and 27,728 new infections, including possible late reports from previous days. A ray of hope: Health Minister Spahn announced vaccines for next week.

German health authorities reported 952 new corona virus-related deaths to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in one day. In addition, 27,728 new infections were registered. According to the RKI, the figures could also contain subsequently reported figures from Saxony, which were still missing from Tuesday’s data.

A week ago, health authorities reported 20,815 new infections and 590 deaths. Previous highs of 29,875 reported cases and 598 deaths were reached on Friday.

The total number of people who have died from or are now suffering from a proven coronavirus infection is 23,427. According to the RKI, deaths from corona are counted as those in which virus infection was the cause of death or, due to previous illnesses, death is likely to be directly related to corona virus.

Maximum at seven day incidence

The seven-day incidence, which is important when assessing the corona situation, also reached a new high of 179.8 new infections per 100,000 population. The missing data from Saxony only slightly influenced the value, according to the RKI.

To contain the pandemic, a harsh blockade began in Germany today. Apart from grocery stores and other stores for daily necessities, retail is now closed until January 10, schools and daycare centers are also largely closed.

Health Minister Jens Spahn also announced that vaccines against the corona virus could start in Germany next week. Consequently, a first vaccination will be approved in the EU before Christmas Eve. After that, you can start vaccinating within two to four days, Spahn said Tuesday night at the tagesthemen.

In Germany, vaccination centers and vaccination structures are already in operation. In a first step, after approval, “about 400,000 doses could be administered,” Spahn said. Two doses are required per person.

Restrictions well into next year

However, Spahn expects the restrictions to persist well into next year. “Just because we start getting vaccinated shortly after Christmas doesn’t mean that all the rules are no longer necessary,” Spahn said in an interview with RTL and ntv television.

Only when a vaccination quota of 55 to 65 percent of the population is reached, can further closures also be ruled out. The first “five million vaccines” would not be enough. From the summer we will be able to return to normal step by step, ”said Spahn.

The president of the World Medical Association, Frank Ulrich Montgomery, also expects the closure in Germany to extend beyond January 10. Model calculations showed that the seven-day incidence would not drop below 50 cases per 100,000 residents until late January at the earliest, Montgomery told the Funke media group. Therefore, citizens would have to be prepared for various blocking measures until Easter.

The Tagesschau reported on this issue on December 16, 2020 at 9:00 am
