RKI in Corona spread: “Stick to the rules, defend success”


Germany is going through the crown pandemic relatively well. RKI chief Wieler still cautions that the rules are followed. Skeptical about the R-value, he called controlled herd immunity “dangerous.”

The president of the Robert Koch Institute, Lothar Wieler, called on the population to continue to comply with the applicable regulations. “It was not an easy time,” he said at his press conference. However, now it was about “defending the previous success”. For this it is necessary to stay at home, keep your distance and comply with the obligation to wear a mask.

The total number of infections in Germany had increased yesterday in 1144 to 156,337, according to the RKI. The number of Covid 19 deaths increased by 163 people to 5,913 deaths.

“A: only one measurement number out of many”

Unlike other countries, Germany has so far been able to successfully keep the spread at bay. Wieler said the number of views is currently 0.96; an infected person infects another on average. However, there are big regional differences, Wieler said. In some parts of the country the value is above 1, in others below. Wieler, therefore, cautioned against overestimating the importance of value. “R is just one of many measures.”

The RKI has repeatedly emphasized that for the epidemic to decrease, this number of reproductions must be less than 1. Chancellor Angela Merkel also made clear in the course of the announcement of the first easing of protection conditions that even the supposedly small changes in the number of reproductions can have significant consequences.

Collective immunity “dangerous and naive”

Wieler also commented on plans for controlled herd immunity. He cannot understand the debate: he described the corresponding demands as “dangerous” and “naive”. In his view, the policy aiming at controlled herd immunity “could not be risky.”

The role of children in the spread of the corona virus is uncertain, according to Wieler. It is clear that they could also become infected. However, the course of the disease is usually mild. It is “unlikely” that they will make a significant contribution to the spread of the virus. Politicians have to decide whether nurseries could be reopened.

Crown victims were 81 years old on average.

The number of recently reported deaths remains high, according to statistics on recorded deaths, the death rate is now 3.8 percent, Wieler said. On average, the deceased are 81 years old. There are also many outbreaks in nursing homes and nursing homes. The capacities in the hospitals are still great. No shortages are anticipated with intensive care beds.

According to RKI President Lothar Wieler, health authorities in Germany can currently track around 1,000 new infections per day. Ultimately, this is the crucial factor in containing the epidemic. However, the efficiency of the authorities is very different at the regional level. “We have to massively strengthen health authorities,” demands Wieler.

Nowcast to help with predictions

The so-called nowcast method also helps RKI to predict the subsequent course. It is an internationally recognized procedure. Nowcast is a method that better reflects reality. It would be calculated retrospectively when people were infected. Then information about the unreported number is possible. The results have been published regularly since April 15.
