RKI commission: several vaccines expected for Germany


Work is underway on a coronavirus vaccine around the world. There are also some German projects. Therefore, the RKI Vaccination Commission awaits several vaccines that could be approved in this country.

The Standing Commission for Vaccination (Stiko) of the Robert Koch Institute expects that there will be several different vaccines against coronavirus in Germany.

“In view of the large number of potential candidates for the Sars-CoV-2 vaccine, it is likely that in the end a number of vaccines will be approved in Germany,” commission vice president Sabine Wicker told the Funke media group newspapers. It could be that individual vaccines are particularly suitable for certain population groups, such as the elderly.

Weighing priorities

The Vaccination Commission is tasked with setting priorities in the event that initially a vaccine is only available in limited quantities. To do this, it must be verified which population groups are at higher risk of infection and who would benefit the most from a vaccine, according to Wicker. This risk-benefit analysis is a central element of Stiko’s standardized approach.

In the case of the coronavirus, the groups with special need for protection were medical personnel, as well as the chronically ill and the elderly, the doctor explained. Stiko had already established a working group in the spring to develop recommendations for corona vaccines.

The federal government supports three German companies

The federal government expects a coronavirus vaccine in Germany to be available to parts of the population in the first months of next year, but not to the broad masses until the middle of the year. Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) and Research Minister Anja Karliczek (CDU) spoke accordingly in Berlin.

Spahn had stated that people with previous illnesses, the elderly, and employees of the nursing and health care system should come first.

The two ministers also announced that the federal government will support the development of a corona vaccine by German companies as part of a special program with 750 million euros. 375 million euros will go to the Biontech company in Mainz and 230 million euros to the Tübingen manufacturer Curevac. In addition, support will be given to the IDT Biologika company from Dessau-Rosslau.

Numerous projects around the world

According to the World Health Organization, around 170 projects around the world are currently searching for an effective substance. In 26 of them, trial vaccines are already being run to examine the compatibility and health efficacy.

So far there have been just over 29.5 million coronavirus infections worldwide. Of these, at least 263,663 people in Germany have been shown to be infected with the virus. According to the RKI, the health authorities reported 1901 new infections yesterday.
