RKI again reports high death values


The number of reported daily deaths related to the coronavirus remains high. Health authorities register the second highest value since the start of the pandemic.

German health authorities transmitted 698 new deaths to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), as can be seen from RKI’s figures from Thursday morning. This is the second highest value since the beginning of the pandemic.

The trend in the number of daily deaths had recently increased, which was also expected after the sharp increase in new infections. The total number of people who died with or with a proven Sars-CoV-2 infection rose to 24,125 as of Thursday.

In addition, 26,923 new infections were registered. That’s more than last Thursday (December 10). At that time, 23,679 new infections were reported. The death toll was 440. On Wednesday there was a high of 952 deaths. The number of new infections peaked at 29,875 reported cases on Friday.

The total number of infections with the new corona virus in Germany since the beginning of the pandemic rose to 1,406,161 according to information from RKI on Thursday. The number of those who have recovered is therefore around 1,047,600 (as of December 17, 00:00 am)

Seven-day incidence remains high

The so-called seven-day incidence nationwide was 179.2 on Thursday, according to the institute. This is the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants during this period. The seven-day incidence is a fundamental measure for the imposition and relaxation of measures against the spread of the new virus. The federal government’s goal is to reduce the incidence below 50.

The seven-day national R-value was 0.98 according to RKI’s management report on Wednesday. This means that 100 infected people infect 98 more people. The value represents the onset of the infection 8 to 16 days ago. Only when it is below 1 for a longer period does it decrease.

Since Wednesday there has been a severe blockade in Germany. Most of the stores are closed. Most of the schools are also closed and the day care centers only offer emergency care. Measurements are initially limited to January 10. Probably on January 5, the federal and state governments want to discuss whether the rigorous restrictions can be extended.
