Returning traveler turns Garmisch into a hotspot: prosecutor investigates potential super-spreaders – knowledge


After a serious crown outbreak in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, the Munich II prosecutor’s office is investigating a woman who was on the move despite the quarantine and who was allegedly a “super spreader”. It concerns the suspicion of negligent bodily injury, Chief Prosecutor Andrea Mayer said Monday. “What’s in the room is a possible violation of quarantine rules.” First, the “Münchner Merkur” reported.

The 26-year-old American living in Garmisch-Partenkirchen is said to have wandered the bars despite signs of illness and may have infected several people in the process. Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) called for consequences for them. “Garmisch-Partenkirchen is a model case of unreason,” Söder said in Munich.

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The case is an example of how quickly infections spread. “This carelessness must also have consequences.” Therefore, it is sensible to act with “high fines”.

According to the district office, the 26-year-old already had symptoms of illness in the pub crawl. She had done a crown test and was actually asked to stay in quarantine until the result. In Bavaria, violations of quarantine requirements can result in a 2,000 euro fine. Söder said, however, that it should be checked to what extent this also applies to the American.

In its investigation, the prosecution initially assumes that the German judiciary is responsible.

From Friday to Monday, around 1,000 people in Garmisch-Partenkirchen had been tested for the virus, results are expected by Tuesday. The woman worked in a hotel for the US military and their families. The vacation rental was closed on Monday for two weeks after several employees tested positive, as the hotel announced on its website.

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU)Photo: AFP / Christof Stache / Pool

According to the district office, 24 people tested positive at the hotel. However, it is not clear if the woman infected them or if someone else was the first case. According to the authority, the 26-year-old had returned from a vacation in Greece. It was also unclear if he was infected on the trip or in Garmisch.

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In an epidemic, a super spread is someone who infects an unusually high number of other people.

According to the Garmisch-Partenkirchen district authorities, there have been 49 new corona cases in the last seven days. The incidence of seven days per 100,000 inhabitants was 55.39 and, therefore, above the critical value of 50. At this value, the measures must be implemented by agreement between the federal and state governments.

According to the district office, there are currently 56 infected people in the district. Also included are people who do not live in the district but are currently there. (dpa)
