Return from Syria: the sons of IS


AIn camps in northeastern Syria, particularly vulnerable children and their mothers were returned to Germany over the weekend. Such actions are recommended, even if they cannot be used to earn sympathy points. Because the twelve children and the three mothers are members of the IS, but also German citizens.

Other governments did not hesitate as long as the German and brought their own citizens before. One thing is for sure: if the children grew up in such a camp, they would be easy to radicalize and thus become a danger.

Furthermore, the repatriation is a reminder that even after the end of the “caliphate”, more than 10,000 IS fighters and their families are housed in areas controlled by Syrian Kurds. Several thousand come from Europe.

In vain the Kurds have appealed to the governments of Europe for help in making prisons escape-proof and win back their citizens. None of this happened, the Syrian Kurds are still alone.

However, this refusal could have serious consequences. Because if hundreds, if not thousands, of fighters escape from makeshift camps, ISIS would receive a powerful boost. It would resume the armed struggle and bring terror to Europe.
