“Restrictions that hurt”: Austria fights a second blockade


In Austria, new corona infections are increasing enormously. Chancellor Kurz adjusts the requirements again. Above all, social contacts are restricted. The point is to avoid a second lockdown with “catastrophic consequences.”

In the fight against the second crown wave, the Austrian government is drastically restricting social contacts again. The numbers increased significantly, though to a different extent from region to region. “Therefore, we must react now to avoid a second lockdown,” said Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz. Starting next week, only ten participants will be able to hold celebrations and private events in closed rooms. There should be exceptions for funerals and religious events. However, a control of private apartments is not foreseen, as it does not comply with fundamental rights.

Anything that makes you happy is “a place of contagion,” Kurz said. These were “restrictions that hurt, but are necessary to prevent a second lockdown,” Kurz said to understand. A second blockade would have “catastrophic consequences.” This must be absolutely avoided. According to Green Vice Chancellor and Sports Minister Werner Kogler, for example, private celebrations after football matches (“après soccer”) are a problem.

In addition to the health problem, it is important to minimize the impact on the location of the business. Austria is highly dependent on tourism. Experts fear that the number of overnight stays in Vienna will collapse by around 70 percent this year. In restaurants, guests will also need to wear protective masks in the future. They are only allowed to take them off when sitting at their table. A general mask requirement should also apply at markets and trade shows starting Monday, even if they are held outdoors.

According to the government, professionally organized events in the sports and cultural sectors are not affected by the hardening. There it remains at the upper limit of 1500 people in buildings and 3000 outdoors.

The last 780 new corona virus infections were recorded in Austria within 24 hours. Taking into account the number of inhabitants, this is around three times more than in Germany today. “We should be concerned about this curve,” said Health Minister Rudolf Anschober. The day before, Germany had declared Austria’s capital Vienna a risk zone and issued a travel warning.
