Restriction protests: vegan chef Hildmann arrested


In several German cities, a total of thousands of people take to the streets to demonstrate against the restrictions of the crown. While many protesters are concerned about fundamental rights, several conspiracy theorists are also involved.

Police arrested about 30 people during a demonstration in front of the Reichstag building in Berlin due to non-compliance with the rules for crown containment. The main problem was to determine personal details because, despite the police announcements, there were too many people in the square in front of the Reichstag and the minimum distance was not observed. According to observations by a DPA photographer, among those arrested was vegan cook Attila Hildmann, who has drawn attention to himself through statements related to the conspiracy on social media since the start of the crown crisis. .

In the last week alone, Hildmann called for, among other things, armed violence, called on his followers to go underground, and warned of “satanic plans” by a sinister secret society. He called Microsoft founder Bill Gates, a satanist, a “dirty liar and psychopath.”

The police were in the Reichstag with 100 officers. At the same time, 400 officers searched the Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz in Volksbühne, where two other demonstrations took place, which according to the police did not lead to any incident. A demonstration at Alexanderplatz, where more than 1,000 people gathered, was less peaceful. Numerous slogans chanted like “We are the people” or “Freedom, freedom”. According to a press spokeswoman, bottles were also thrown at police officers.

“Lower your muzzle”

At the same time as the demonstrations in Berlin, the protests also took place in Frankfurt and Munich: around 3,000 people gathered at Müchner Marienplatz, even though the demonstration was only registered for 80 participants. According to eyewitnesses, protesters accused politicians and doctors of the crown pandemic of panicking and restricting fundamental rights. Opponents of vaccination were also among the protesters. Police tried to use loudspeaker announcements to press for compliance, a spokesman said. For reasons of proportionality, law enforcement officers would have let the demonstration go and would not have dissolved it. All participants had behaved peacefully.

Meanwhile, more than 500 protesters gathered in Frankfurt. They walked through the city center with banners and shouted “muzzle”, “join” and “resistance”. According to the police, the concentration was not registered. Sometimes the minimum distance was less than 1.5 meters. According to the police, the police referred to this several times, but did not dissolve the demonstration.
