After two and a half hours of searching, divers pulled a 43-year-old man from a pond in Treptower Park in freezing cold. He and three other people had voluntarily entered the water through holes dug in the ice. The Berlin police announced this on Wednesday night. An ambulance resurrected the man, he arrived at a very hypothermic hospital.
According to initial investigations, the man jumped into the water along with two women, ages 21 and 55, and a 44-year-old man. When they noticed that her boyfriend was missing, the 55-year-old and two other assistants looked for him, but could not find him. The two assistants were easily injured.
The rescuers were alerted at 8:50 am Police assume an accident. The companions of the previously missing person were mildly hypothermic and were treated in ambulances, also in pastoral care, emergency services said.
According to the spokesperson, a total of 52 fire department workers were deployed to the carp pond in Treptower Park. A boat and drone must also be used to search for the missing person, and the helpers wore special ice rescue suits.
First, firefighters tweeted that people had entered the ice. Warnings were given in advance against stepping on ice surfaces. Like on the weekend, it should be frozen all week in Berlin, with temperatures down to minus twelve degrees.
[Mehr über das Winterbaden können Abonnenten von T+ hier lesen: „Die größte Gefahr besteht, wenn man aus dem Wasser schon heraus ist“]
Photos shared on social media show firefighters navigating the lake in a boat and breaking the ice with a chainsaw. There is only one lake in Treptower Park: the carp pond south of the Soviet monument.
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It was not the only time that firefighters were deployed to a river in Berlin on Wednesday. At Krummen Lanke, passersby had found clothes on the bench. There also two people took an ice bath. At first there were no further details. A short time later, another person broke into the ice of White Lake. When the fire department arrived, the person was already back on shore. They took her to a hospital, the spokesman said.
The fire brigade warned against walking on icy surfaces and called on Berliners not to be reckless. “Bathing in ice is life threatening,” the spokesman said. Parents should inform their children about the dangers. (with dpa)