Relief from the crown: the unusual Merkel-Söder alliance now gives hope


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Loosening of crown restrictions, but only a few. How are decisions made on Wednesday? A comment from Mike Schier.

Munich: it’s a journey in the razor blade: the danger of the pandemic is far from over, but more and more people are suffering under the restrictions. Last but not least, thousands of companies, and therefore millions of employees and freelancers, are concerned. for its existence. In addition, there were conflict experts, different regional concerns and political sensitivities. Under all these adverse conditions, the prime ministers found a good compromise with Angela Merkel after a hard fight. A national line that is modified regionally.

So far, Germany has had the pandemic * despite the high number of cases
coped well overall – No less important because the state and medical care work much better than many permanent complainants think. That’s the only reason why you could Manage exit restrictions more flexibly than in Italy or Spain. And so it was time to set a medium term schedule (!) In the new normal. The struggle Markus Söder had to advance this question, as well as Armin Laschetwho couldn’t go fast enough with the openings. Therefore, it is better to be careful with terms like winners or losers.

Relief from the crown: the unusual Merkel-Söder alliance gives hope

It is the essence of a real commitment that not everyone is happy in the end. Some would have a mask requirement like in Austria desired, others a faster school opening. However, the fact that the discussions in Germany may be objective and beyond party lines (note the unusual alliance of Merkel, Söder, Kretschmann, Hans and Tschentscher) is a sign of hope. Especially when you see the triumphs of the world in the dim lights. But the truth also belongs: in this crisis they all only lead to sight. If the crown numbers increase again, it may be necessary to suspend loosening.

Donald Trump sees the United States at its height in the coronavirus pandemic. Now he returns the money to the WHO and has his own name printed on the US emergency checks.

* is part of the network of Ippen-Digital publishers from all over Germany
