Relaxation of the crown measures: Virologist Drosten: we dance with the tiger


Strict measures in the Corona crisis, the hammer, have ended. The dance begins, the slow return to normal conditions. The virologist Drosten calls it a dance with the tiger. Because you must make sure that the animal does not fall immediately.

Virologist Christian Drosten compared the current phase of the coronavirus epidemic in Germany to dancing with a tiger. Now it’s about figuring out where you can loosen the animal’s leash without falling, said scientist Charité on the NDR podcast.

Applied to easing, this means, for example, that one must observe how the return of the first grades to school has an impact after one month. If you see, for example, that there were no bad conditions, perhaps you could readjust further, for example, increase class size.

With the statement, Drosten referred to the so-called “hammer and dance” concept of pandemic research: after drastic measures such as initially blocking contacts, the hammer, a phase followed by a gradual return to normal behavior. There is a “golden midpoint” when it comes to balancing health protection and economic interests, Drosten said, referring to a study published Wednesday by the Ifo Institute for Economic Research and the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research.

Accordingly, a careful and gradual opening process can minimize financial costs without jeopardizing medical goals. Overall, he is currently “very impressed” by the good development in Germany, Drosten said. He was concerned about what he felt was the increasing incidence of “smear campaigns” in Germany, which was causing great damage.
