Relaxation debate: the points of controversy before the federal-state conference


Germany Facilitate discussion

These are the controversial points before the federal-state conference

Lindner criticizes Merkel’s opening strategy as a paradox

Before the federal-state meeting, an extension of the lockdown until March 28 seems almost certain. FDP chief Lindner sees the planned step-by-step easing as an eye wash.

Many people in Germany are tired of the lockdowns and the economy also yearns for a quick end to the restrictions. Christian Drosten, on the other hand, cautions against letting go too quickly. Politicians struggle to find the right path.

DThe federal and state governments want to discuss how to proceed in the Corona crisis this Wednesday. Politicians are under considerable pressure, both from opponents and supporters for a speedy end to the blockade. On Tuesday there were signs of new opening steps, but depending on the regional contagion rate and with an “emergency brake” if certain values ​​rise. This emerged from a preliminary draft resolution for the Bund-Länder Round, which had not yet been finally discussed.

According to this, the lockdown will last until March 28, mainly due to the danger posed by new variants of the virus. Numerous openings will also be linked to massive rapid tests. Several heads of government, including Schleswig-Holstein Prime Minister Daniel Günther (CDU), had spoken out in favor of adopting a step-by-step and prospective plan to get out of the crown lockdown.

The main point of conflict in the consultation between state leaders and Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) is probably what incidence values ​​are assumed for which opening steps.

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The leader of the SPD parliamentary group in the Bundestag, Rolf Mützenich, called on the states not to allow chaotic conditions to arise in the steps out of the crown blockade. “I think it is advisable for the Prime Minister’s Conference to develop a clear and understandable opening plan that has the same sequence of steps at the national level,” he told the German Press Agency. “The understandable frustration over the pandemic should not be compounded by stubborn confusion of measures.”

Virologist Christian Drosten was sympathetic to requests for relaxation, but called for caution. The proportion of the most contagious variant B.1.1.7 in new infections continues to grow, the warmer season will not eliminate the problem, and more speed is needed when vaccinating, the Charité coronavirus expert emphasized in the “Coronavirus Update”. Tuesday NDR info. It’s “a really difficult game if you relax too fast now.” The proportion of mutants discovered in Britain in infections in Germany has risen, according to Drosten’s estimate, to about half, and will continue to rise.

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On the contrary, the German districts called for a quick relaxation and the opening of businesses. “At the federal-state meeting, it is necessary to announce that companies where the situation of the crown is under control will be able to receive customers again from Monday,” said the president of the district assembly, Reinhard Sager, of the ” Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung ”(Wednesday). Workshops have already proven the effectiveness of their hygiene concepts, and the mask and distance are still a must. With fewer intensive care patients and more vaccinated people, it is unacceptable to allow hardware stores and hair salons to open, but retail “must remain closed,” Sager stressed. He also asked permission to rent accommodation, such as vacation homes, during Easter.

Medical President Klaus Reinhardt warned that crown self-tests could lull you to a false sense of security. “Everyone should know that the test results are just a snapshot,” said the president of the German Medical Association of the dpa. He asked for clear and easily understandable information for responsible handling of self-assessments. Even with a negative test result, the rules of distance, mask protection and hygiene should be observed. If the result is positive, a control by a PCR test should be started as soon as possible and a strict quarantine must be observed.

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Lack of will on the part of many citizens

Meanwhile, there is growing hope in the federal states that the delay in vaccination against AstraZeneca will be eliminated quickly. Several countries expect a significant increase in vaccinations with the vaccine, as a consultation from the dpa showed. In North Rhine-Westphalia, for example, around 750,000 kindergarten teachers, nursery workers, primary school teachers and patrol officers will receive a vaccination offer from Monday. “We just want to vaccinate as much as we can,” said NRW Health Minister Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU). Hesse and Baden-Württemberg also want many more people to be vaccinated with the AstraZeneca product soon.

Soon two million doses of vaccines in reserve?

A total of almost 3.2 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine should be delivered to the federal states by Thursday, according to information from the Federal Ministry of Health. However, according to figures from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), only 514,000 doses were administered up to and including Monday. If the vaccination rate is maintained, there could be more than two million doses in storage by the end of the week.

The Permanent Commission on Vaccination recommends the preparation of AstraZeneca, unlike the EU Medicines Agency EMA, so far only for people between 18 and 64 years old, because from their point of view, initially there was very little data on the effect on old people. However, the Commission has announced that this recommendation will be updated soon.
