Reimann: 50 vaccination centers ready for use by the middle of the month | – news


Status: 07.12.2020 1:49 pm

All Covid vaccination centers in Lower Saxony should be ready by December 15. According to Health Minister Reimann, 50 central locations are now planned instead of the initially planned 60.

Originally, one vaccination center was planned for every 150,000 inhabitants. In the state capital, Hannover, for example, the decision was made to establish a single central hub instead of three. So far, 37 locations have received the so-called deployment orders for the country’s construction, Carola Reimann (SPD) said Monday at the crisis team’s weekly press conference. For the rest, this will be until now in the next few days at the latest. The competence center is still examining the concepts of some disaster control agencies and working on them if necessary.

DHL will store and transport the vaccines

The country contracted with transportation service provider DHL to deliver supplies and vaccines. The contract had just been signed, Reimann said. DHL can transport vaccines at very low and less cold temperatures. The serum of the manufacturer Biontech from Mainz has to be stored at minus 70 degrees, that of the American company Moderna is not so sensitive. Therefore, the distribution must take place from two central warehouses: one in Hesse and one in the Netherlands. Talks are currently taking place on managing appointments at the centers, the minister said. Vaccinations are expected to start around the turn of the year: “I really hope so,” Reimann said.


A graphic of the locations of future vaccination centers.

3 min

60 vaccination centers will be built throughout the country. First, it is the turn of the risk groups and the employees of the healthcare sector. (01.12.2020) 3 min

Infection numbers are “a little brake”

In view of the slightly higher number of infections over the weekend, government spokeswoman Anke Pörksen spoke of “a little brake”. Last week, the state government was still hopeful that the trend would be lower. To make the relaxation planned for Christmas possible, everyone would now have to join in and forgo visits during Advent, hence Pörksen’s calling. Events like the “Gassenzauber” in Lüneburg are also difficult from a government point of view, as people eat there and thus remove their mouth and nose covers. In addition, these offers are a challenge for local health authorities, who, in addition to tracing contacts, must also take care of hygiene concepts, according to the deputy head of the crisis team, Claudia Schröder.

More information

Many workers are turning a supermarket in Wilhelmshaven into a corona vaccination center.  © dpa-Bildfunk Photo: Lennart Stock

Around 50 vaccination centers are being built across the country. The state government wants to relax the measures in stages if the numbers are correct. plus

The face and nose masks are offered at a stall at a weekly market.  © Kay Nietfeld / dpa Photography: Kay Nietfeld

So far there have been a total of 78,132 infections. The seven-day incidence increases to 81.0. plus

A protective mask and shield with tally marks.  © picture alliance, panthermedia Photo: Bildagentur-online Ohde, Belchonok

Lower Saxony reports 558 cases today – Hamburg confirms 231 new infections, Schleswig-Holstein 154. More news about the crown in the ticker. plus

Virologist Prof. Christian Drosten and virologist Prof. Sandra Ciesek (montage) © picture alliance / dpa, University Hospital Frankfurt Photo: Christophe Gateau,

Here you will find all the episodes streamed so far to read and listen to, as well as a scientific glossary and much more. plus

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NDR 1 Lower Saxony | Current | 07.12.2020 | 16:00.

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