Refugee admission: protesters demand humane asylum policy


Thousands of people across Germany demonstrated for the immediate admission of refugees from Greece. Refugee organizations have accused the government of denying migrants access to the right to asylum.

In Berlin and other German cities, thousands of people took to the streets against the European refugee policy. They demonstrated against the handling of refugees in Greece and for their acceptance in Germany. According to the police, around 5,000 protesters gathered in Berlin alone, and demonstrations were also recorded in Cologne and Munich.

The protests took place under the slogan: “Enough! We have space!” instead of. “It is a shame that today, of every day, on World Children’s Day, we have to see thousands of children persevere in dirt and misery,” said Günter Burkhardt, Managing Director of Pro Asyl. He accused the president of the EU Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, of failing in her role as guardian of the European Treaties. “Greece commits a permanent violation of the law and ignores elementary rights.” Thousands of people seeking protection are officially denied a dignified reception and access to the right to asylum.

170 cities ready for inclusion

The Seebrücke alliance pointed out that in Germany more than 170 cities and municipalities are ready to receive people immediately. In the state of Berlin and Thuringia there are also separate state admission programs for refugees. Bremen wants to join soon. “Our municipalities, our cities, our districts, our parishes, our civil society wants to welcome the people,” he said. All these initiatives would be blocked by the federal government, criticized the Seebrücke Alliance.

Numerous other initiatives participated in the protests, including organizations, Fridays for Future and the Protestant Church. Also in other German cities people went out into the streets. Around 1,100 people gathered in rallies in Oldenburg, Braunschweig and Göttingen.

The Tagesschau reported on this issue on September 20, 2020 at 8:00 pm
