Refraining from attending religious services: Churches “surprised” by politicians’ requests


Status: 23.03.2021 11:29 am

Politicians call for services to be held practically only at Easter; this is strange in the two great churches. The Catholic bishops announced that they did not want to do without attending religious services.

The two great churches in Germany were “shocked” by the request made by the federal and state governments for exclusively virtual church services at Easter. German Catholic bishops announced that despite Easter resolutions, they would not do so without attending church services.

“Easter is the most important festival for us, religious services are not an accessory,” said the president of the German Bishops’ Conference, Bishop Georg Bätzing. “At Christmas we show how we can celebrate Mass with caution.” You don’t want to do without that at Easter. This will be included in discussions with politicians.

EKD wants to advise after the talks

The Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) is also alienated by the decided closure of Easter. “We were very surprised by the Corona summit decision, especially as it would affect the most important Christian festival,” EKD Board Chairman Heinrich Bedford-Strohm told the Funke media group newspapers.

In the talks announced by Chancellor Angela Merkel, the EKD will first have an accurate explanation as to why the tried and tested hygiene protection measures that all regional churches have for their religious services are no longer sufficient. “Then we will discuss in our committees how to handle the request,” says Bedford-Strohm.

Hard lock since April 1

The federal and state governments had decided on Tuesday night a strict lockdown from Holy Thursday (April 1) to Easter Monday (April 5). Regarding religious services, the resolution states: “The federal government and states will approach religious communities with the request that religious gatherings only take place virtually during this time.” Chancellor Angela Merkel had emphasized after deliberations that it was a request.

At Easter, Christians celebrate their oldest and most important holiday: the resurrection of Jesus on the third day after death on the cross. If possible, the sacrament of baptism is actually donated on the Easter vigil from Holy Saturday to Easter Sunday.
