Referendum: Switzerland against immigration restriction – politics


The Swiss clearly reject any restriction on the influx of foreigners. The advance of the right-wing conservative SVP, which also wanted to end the free movement of people with the European Union, clearly failed in a referendum on Sunday. According to the final result, 61.7 percent voted against. The SVP had argued that too many people reduced prosperity and were too expensive for social welfare. Since 1990, Switzerland’s population has increased by about a quarter to 8.6 million.

This should give new impetus to the lengthy cooperation negotiations between Switzerland and the European Union. The EU wants to include all bilateral agreements in a framework agreement. This is also intended to weaken some of the privileges previously negotiated by Switzerland. If he refuses, Brussels threatens disadvantages for Switzerland. As a warning, it has already suspended recognition of the Zurich Stock Exchange. For its part, the Swiss government is demanding improvements to the Brussels proposal.

The introduction of two-week paternity leave was accepted by 60.3 percent. Parents should receive 80 percent of their salary during this time. The results of the votes on the hunting law and the acquisition of combat aircraft, however, could not be predicted in the afternoon; In the projections, the votes for and against were roughly the same on both questions.

The result of the votes on the hunting law and the acquisition of combat aircraft was at the edge of the knife for hours. The new hunting law, which was supposed to make it easier to hunt wolves, was ultimately rejected with 51.9 percent. The animals were once exterminated in Switzerland, but now they are back at home there. It is estimated that there are around 80 to 100 animals today. According to the authorities, between 300 and 500 sheep and goats have been killed each year in the last ten years. With the change, the wolves should remain protected, but whoever shot under certain conditions

The government’s request to buy new fighter jets for up to six billion francs (about 5.5 billion euros) has just been accepted. The deciding factor was fewer than 9,000 votes. Around 30 Swiss F / As must be replaced by 2030. In the race for the order are Airbus with the Eurofighter, the French company Dassault with the Rafale type and the Americans: Boeing with its F / A-18 Super Hornet and Lockheed- Martin with the F-35.

Around 5.4 million Swiss have the right to vote. While turnout in referendums is mostly below 50 percent, this time it was around 58 percent.
