Reduce contacts: Weil calls on the whole of Lower Saxony | – news


Status: October 28, 2020, 8:30 pm

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has negotiated new crown measures with the country’s leaders to contain the pandemic.

Lower Saxony Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) commented on the decisions in Berlin on Wednesday night. He called for you to now be guided by the new regulations. “We expect a turnaround in two weeks,” Weil said. He asked citizens to minimize all personal contacts. “We are not an island in Lower Saxony,” Weil said in NDR’s regional magazine Hello Lower Saxony overlooking North Rhine-Westphalia, Hamburg and Bremen. The number of infections continues to rise. “It cannot continue like this, otherwise we will not have the pandemic under control. We must avoid that at all costs.” The state wants to provide municipalities with up to 1,200 officials to track the contacts of infected people.

VIDEO: Tighter crown rules apply from November 2 (6 min)

New regulations apply from Monday

The new regulations should apply from Monday to the end of November, at least in full. Restaurants and pubs are nearby, as are cosmetic studios, massage practices, tattoo and fitness studios, and cinemas. In public, a maximum of ten people from your own home and a second home should be allowed to stay together. Events are canceled and spectators in the Bundesliga are suspended again. Schools, kindergartens, wholesalers and retailers, and hair salons must remain open; religious services are also allowed. “In addition to protecting the lives and health of more and more people, it is our urgent desire to keep day care centers, day care centers and schools open for as long as possible and to keep most commercial enterprises in operation,” Weil said.

“Lockdown”, “Shutdown”, “Exit”: new things in everyday language

Strategy of “closure”, “closure”, “exit”: the vocabulary of the corona pandemic is sometimes interspersed with Anglicisms and transports new words to everyday language. Translation doesn’t always get to the core of the original term, explains Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus, head of the Lexics department at the Leibniz Institute for the German Language in Mannheim.

The new measures at a glance

  • Drastic limitation of Contacts – private meetings are only possible with up to ten people from two households
  • Close of Catering establishments – Delivery services are excluded from this
  • Closing everything Theater, Operas, Concert halls, assess, Cinemas, Amusement parks, Saunas, Game rooms Y Brothels
  • Close of Gyms Y Swimming pools
  • Close of Kosmetikstudios, Massage practice Y TattoostudiosBeauty salons stay open
  • BusinessThose who are severely affected get a large part of their lost revenue from the federal government – the amount of aid is said to be worth up to ten billion euros
  • Companies are supposed to offer their employees Task enable whenever possible
  • Tourist Overnight stays in Germany they are prohibited: compulsory business trips are an exception
  • Professional sport alone without a spectator – Recreational sports largely no longer possible
  • Operation in Schools and kindergartens It executes in
  • He too Retailers, such as supermarkets, remains open, although subject to conditions

Another consultation with country managers in two weeks

After the meeting, Merkel vowed a “national effort” to contain the coronavirus pandemic. “The measures are tough,” said the foreign minister, “they are onerous measures.” But they met the goal that public life in Germany could be largely restored in December. Merkel announced that two weeks after the measures came into force, she would again consult with federal states on whether the decisions should come into force or be modified. According to the chancellor, all prime ministers support the new measures.

A special session will follow in the state parliament.

The Lower Saxony state parliament is expected to discuss the new restrictions in a special session this week, probably on Friday. A corresponding demand from the FDP found support from the other parliamentary groups. The leader of the FDP parliamentary group, Stefan Birkner, had called a special meeting in view of the consequences for the population. “We want the state parliament to deal with the resolutions and their implementation in Lower Saxony,” he said. “We are seeing serious consequences for the economy and the population, the state parliament has to advise on this.”

Entrepreneurs criticize the new regulations

Meanwhile, there was criticism of the regulations from the employers’ association Niedersachsenmetall. The federal government is discarding well-founded knowledge about individual sources of infection and is paralyzing much of economic life for the second time with its corona policy, the association’s managing director Volker Schmidt said on Wednesday. A large part of the SME sector is already on the brink, one in two companies in the metal and electricity industry in Lower Saxony is in the red.

Dehoga Niedersachsen threatens to sue

The hotel and restaurant association Dehoga had already made clear before the meeting the precarious situation in which many businesses find themselves. A third may not survive the winter, he said. The Lower Saxony Dehoga state association has announced a lawsuit whether there should be a new general lockdown for the catering industry, as reported by NDR 1 Lower Saxony. Gastronomy is not part of the problem, but part of the solution, said Dehoga vice president Birgit Kolb-Binder. If pubs and restaurants had to close, people would celebrate at home, unsupervised.

Additional Information

Interview with a restaurant chef

3 min

In many places, more stringent corona protection measures are already in place. The gastronomy of Lüneburg also fears a hardening. 3 min

Lower Saxony's Minister of Economy, Bernd Althusmann.  © Christophe Gateau / dpa

Economy Minister Althusmann wants to help affected companies with a specific catering financing program. (08.10.2020) more

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NDR 1 Lower Saxony | Current | 10/28/2020 | 12:00 o’clock

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