Recycling? Many violations of order


The rare corona vaccines must first be targeted at the very old and medical personnel. The investigation now reveals: District administrators, police officers and firefighters have evidently made their way.

In at least nine federal states, people who have not yet had their turn have already been vaccinated against the corona virus. This was the result of an investigation by the German Press Agency. Local politicians, clergymen, firefighters and police came into play, although they did not belong to the first priority group.

The sequence of vaccinations is clearly regulated in the ordinance of the Federal Ministry of Health: firstly, people over 80 years of age must be vaccinated in Germany, as well as women and men who are at particularly high risk of infection due to their work in hospitals, medical practices, healthcare centers or vaccination centers. They belong to the highest priority group. The regulation only gives police officers a high priority, district administrators are not listed separately.

The reason for the first vaccines in most cases: at the end of the day, there were doses of vaccines that were not wanted to waste. The vaccine must be prepared and diluted first before vaccination and then it can only be kept for a few hours. If people cancel their vaccination appointment, the vaccination doses can be left at the end of the day. How this should be addressed is not regulated.

“Random generator” has identified successors

In Halle, Saxony-Anhalt, an attempt was made, according to Mayor Bernd Wiegand (non-partisan), to initially pass these cans on to other members of the first priority level. If that was not achieved, a “random generator” identified the successors, including him and ten councilors. The district administrator for the Wittenberg district has also vaccinated himself, as has his deputy.

The Saalekreis district administrator, Hartmut Handschak (non-party), had himself vaccinated in December. The 59-year-old man justified himself in the “Mitteldeutsche Zeitung” saying that he had been in a clinic for a consultation that vaccinated its employees. This left a dose for which there were no employees willing to vaccinate or suitable patients.

Clear differences in strategy: these groups are first vaccinated against Corona in their state. (Source: t-online)

In North Rhine-Westphalia, several cases of local politicians were already known in January who were vaccinated much earlier than expected. Among other things, the 31-year-old mayor of Hennef, Mario Dahm (SPD), had been vaccinated with an excess dose. The mayor of Wachtberg, Jörg Schmidt (CDU), has also already been vaccinated. The former mayor of Hennef, Klaus Pipke, has also already been vaccinated.

Local politicians in Bavaria vaccinated prematurely

Also in Bavaria, several local politicians had been prematurely vaccinated. Both the district administrator of the Donau-Ries district and the mayor of the district town of Donauwörth received a vaccine with the remaining doses in January. Both politicians affirmed that today they would make a different decision.

Augsburg Bishop Bertram Meier and his Vicar General Harald Heinrich also accepted the offer of vaccines. The diocese justified it with the fact that they both worked as pastors in nursing homes and therefore should be classified as personal as geriatric nurses.

In Lower Saxony, the Peine district administrator and his deputy had vaccinated themselves; both have since apologized. The crisis team ordered the vaccination centers to use the leftover doses, which is generally followed. But that is not controlled. “We will not put a police officer or a notary next to every vaccination street,” said crisis team leader Heiger Scholz.

Cottbus politicians are said to have received the vaccine

According to a report by the “Lausitzer Rundschau”, the mayor of Cottbus, Holger Kelch, and the regulatory officer Thomas Bergner (both CDUs) were vaccinated, although they were not on the priority list. Kelch had been vaccinated by a mobile vaccination team at a nursing home where he was present, city spokesman Jan Gloßmann said. He supported the elders there. According to him, the vaccine should have been destroyed shortly after.

But politicians were not vaccinated prematurely everywhere. In Koblenz, in Rhineland-Palatinate, the fire brigade operating the vaccination center used the vaccine residues for their own staff. Nearly half of the 127 vaccinated were not in the first priority group, the city said.

By the end of January, Hamburg had already vaccinated 102 firefighters and 2 policemen. Employees of the crisis team and the health authority have already been vaccinated in the Hanseatic city, including the State Councilor for Social Affairs. 330 police officers were vaccinated in the Stendal district of Saxony-Anhalt as part of a field test, although they belong to the second priority group. Almost 400 Saxon police officers received a vaccination earlier than allowed. The leftover cans were also used there. So far, there are no known rapes in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Baden-Württemberg: No known cases

Examples from Baden-Württemberg, among others, show that you can meet the requirements of the federal ordinance even with leftover vaccine doses. According to the Ministry of Social Affairs, there are also no known violations of the sequence. Any remaining vaccine doses would go to emergency services and vaccination personnel, and some vaccination centers have also drawn up short-term candidate lists in the first priority group, a spokesperson said. In Ulm, on the other hand, only 90 percent of the planned cans are prepared. The rest will only be made to order.

According to the state government, vaccination centers in Schleswig-Holstein also maintain waiting lists of people entitled to vaccines. In Berlin, the remaining doses of the vaccine go to the vaccination teams; according to the Senate, this could also include police officers. In Bremen, employees of the emergency services are currently intervening in search of vaccine residues. According to press reports in late January, there were staff problems in a large hospital in Bremen. The members of the management were vaccinated there, although not all doctors and nurses at risk are protected. The clinic justified this with the fact that management must continue to be able to act in an emergency.

At a clinic in Bad Wildungen, North Hesse (Waldeck-Frankenberg district), it is said that two top executives were prematurely vaccinated against the corona virus. The Thuringian state government is currently examining possible infractions at two medical centers.
