Record number of new infections: US Corona crisis intensifies.


Shortly before the elections, the United States again set a new record for new infections: authorities registered more than 80,000 new cases in 24 hours. President Trump still believes that the “plague” will end quickly.

The number of new coronavirus infections in the United States rose to more than 80,000 in one day. Johns Hopkins University (JHU) recorded 83,757 new cases on Friday, about 12,000 more than the day before. This value has never been higher since the outbreak of the pandemic. Currently, the virus is spreading rapidly, especially in the north and midwest of the country.

According to JHU, nearly 8.5 million coronavirus infections have been confirmed in the US with its around 330 million residents since the start of the pandemic. About 224,000 people have died so far, more than in any other country in the world. In the capital, Washington, the dead are remembered in a field with white flags.

Trump talks about the end of the crisis

Coping with the pandemic plays a central role in the US election campaign. Around the same time that the new contagion record was announced, President Donald Trump reaffirmed that the end of the crisis was in sight. “We will end this pandemic, this terrible plague, quickly,” Trump said during a campaign appearance in the state of Florida.

He accused his challenger Joe Biden of the opposition Democrats of not talking about anything other than the coronavirus and thus “scaring” people. Although the president announced in his latest television duel with Biden on Thursday that he wanted to take responsibility for the crisis, he blamed China that the pandemic had even broken out.

“No conclusive plan”

Biden, 77, renewed his criticism of the president’s crisis management. “He has resigned from the United States,” the Democrat said in a speech in his home state of Delaware on Friday. The Republican does not yet have a conclusive plan to contain the pandemic.

“He just wants us to doze off and resign ourselves to the terrible death toll and pain of so many Americans,” said the challenger. Biden resubmitted his plan to contain the pandemic. Among other things, it wants to guarantee free vaccination in the event of an electoral victory.

Biden also said that capabilities for corona tests would have to be massively expanded and that he was campaigning for mandatory use of masks across the country.

Attack on Fauci

In the latest television duel with Trump on Thursday, Biden warned of a “dark winter” and blamed Trump directly for the high death toll per crown: “Anyone who is responsible for so many deaths must not remain president of the United States of America. “said the former vice president.

Trump recently mocked his opponent for wanting to orient himself to the scientific council of experts. The president’s attack also targeted prominent immunologist and government adviser Anthony Fauci. Trump recently described the top virologist as a “catastrophe.”
