Rebecca missing: women saw a suspicious man in the woods at the time


Panorama Rebecca missing

At that moment, the women saw a suspicious man in the forest.

| Reading time: 2 minutes

15-year-old disappeared on the way to school 15-year-old disappeared on the way to school

A photo of the missing 15-year-old from the Neukölln district of Britz.

What: pa / dpa / —

Almost two years ago, 15-year-old Rebecca disappeared from Berlin without a trace. Police believe she was killed. And you will surely know the perpetrator. Now another piece of the puzzle has become known, which the police at the time confirmed in this opinion.

meIn the case of Rebecca from Berlin, who disappeared almost two years ago, a witness who helped trigger a large police search in a Brandenburg forest spoke publicly about her observations for the first time. The woman reported to two journalists for a podcast how she and two friends spotted a striking man in the woods near the town of Kummersdorf the day the 15-year-old girl disappeared.

Police then combed this forest because a witness recalled seeing a car there on February 18 that looked like the raspberry-red Renault Twingo of Rebecca’s brother-in-law. Police were quick to suspect the then 27-year-old brother-in-law and still believe he is the perpetrator, but cannot prove it. He always protested his innocence.

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In the podcast “In the Dark – The Rebecca Reusch Case” (on Podimo), journalists Miriam Arndts and Lena Niethammer reproduce the woman’s statements. In light of the police search in March, she and her friends remembered the man they saw while traveling in February. Using smartphone photos from the trip, they would have determined the time: February 18, 2019, just before noon.

After Rebecca’s disappearance, the police arrested the brother-in-law twice. The man’s car was seized on the day of the disappearance and the following day on the highway between Berlin and Poland. In the following weeks, hundreds of police officers searched large tracts of forest 50 kilometers southeast of Berlin. Body detection dogs sniffed the brush and on the shores of the lake, tow dogs were led along the road, divers climbed out of the boats into the water. Rebecca has remained missing to this day.
