Reaction to Biden’s victory: applause and congratulations


Cheers broke out in many streets of the United States immediately after the news of Biden’s victory. The future president immediately received congratulations from abroad. There are many expressions of relief.

Just seconds after various US media outlets declared Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden the winner of the US elections, there was a standing ovation in many large cities.

People were clapping, shouting and cheering on the streets of New York. Hundreds flocked to Times Square to celebrate. Many drivers honked their horns nonstop. Even after an hour, the constant applause hadn’t ended. Television stations also showed images of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with people partying.

The protesters gathered there cheered outside the White House in Washington. The metropolises of the east coast of the United States are considered liberal and democratic.

Pelosi: “A New Day of Hope for America”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Biden’s victory ushered in a new era of hope. Biden had won a “historic victory,” declared the Democrat: “Today begins a new day of hope for America.”

Biden will be ready to meet the challenges of the country from the first day of his presidency. It will contain the coronavirus pandemic and work for better healthcare, Pelosi said. With Biden, Americans had chosen someone who would work tirelessly to unite the country and who upheld the values ​​of “faith, family and community,” Pelosi said.

Steinmeier emphasizes the value of alliances

Congratulations to the future president were received from abroad shortly after the decision in the United States. Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier wrote in a congratulatory telegram: “Your presidency meets the hopes of countless people, far beyond the borders of your country, including in Germany.” Biden represents “an America that knows the value of alliances and friends, of dependability and trust.”

The federal government reacted with relief to Biden’s victory. Chancellor Angela Merkel said in a statement that she wished Biden “luck and success from the bottom of her heart and also congratulated Kamala Harris, her country’s first vice president-elect.” The chancellor also emphasized that she looked forward to cooperation: “Our transatlantic friendship is irreplaceable if we want to overcome the great challenges of our time.”

Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas also focused on the value of conflict-free cooperation: “We want to invest in our cooperation for a new transatlantic beginning, a New Deal,” he wrote on Twitter.

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen combined her congratulations with the comment that the EU and the US are “friends and allies, our citizens have the deepest connections.” He hopes to work with Biden, von der Leyen wrote on Twitter.

Macron: “Let’s work together”

French President Emmanuel Macron combined his congratulations with the comment that “much remains to be done to meet the current challenges.” He added: “Let’s work together!”

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who had demonstratively sought proximity to Donald Trump in recent years, also congratulated Biden and Harris on “historic success.” The United States is Britain’s most important ally. Johnson named trade and climate change as the biggest common problems.

Congratulations to Biden and Harris also came from Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. “I’m very excited to be working with you two,” he wrote on Twitter.

A representative of the Iranian leadership referred to the conflict between the outgoing US government and Iran. Hessameddin Aschena, an adviser to the Iranian president, wrote on Twitter that the Iranians had “resisted valiantly until this coward left.”
